
Responses from dravid1

CJ MF2550 Replacing the power amp fuss
AllA quick update. Replaced the fuses. It was very easy to so so.Just as an FYI so it may help others in the future - The bottom plate has to be removed. there are 18 screws that have to be removed and once you do that the plate comes right off.yo... 
CJ MF2550 Replacing the power amp fuss
Not sure yet how the fuses blew. The MF2550 was connected to a CJ ACT2. All was OK until I switched the source of the ACT2 (went from AUX to CD) and I heard a loud pop and the AMP stopped working. By that I mean the output volume was very low. Eve... 
CJ MF2550 Replacing the power amp fuss
The fuses are B+/B-  "rail" fuses - 3AG type 6 amp fast blow - $4.5 each 
CJ MF2550 Replacing the power amp fuss
Thanks rodman999994Much appreciate the quick responsedravid1 
HELP Isolating a problem - preamp or power amp
Thanks again millercarbon6, 
HELP Isolating a problem - preamp or power amp
Just a follow up. I connected my Linn Akurate DS directly to the MF2550. Tt low volumes it was OK but distortion , cracking and popping came in as the volume want up. I guess its clipping? 
HELP Isolating a problem - preamp or power amp
Thanks a lot milercarbon6. Much appreciated. 
CJ ACT2 vs C2200
Thanks stereo5 I am going ahead with the SE. Spoke to Ralph at spearit and his view was that after about 300 hours of breaking it in, the music actually is enhanced by the detail. Will update after I get it. I will be able to do a side by side com... 
CJ ACT2 vs C2200
All, thanks for the replies. Kalali it is the MC302 - that was a typo. Jalant I will look at the upgrade. Thanks for the tip.I ma now looking at swapping out the MC302 for a CJ2550 or 2550 SE. I have heard that the 2550SES could overpower the "war... 
Bergmann Magne
Point taken. The VPI HRX sounds absolutely incredible but I haven't heard the Aries line. Will add that to the list 
Bergmann Magne
Hi StringreenDo you mena that it will die on me or not be supported or both? 
Bergmann Magne
Thanks. The system "looks" beautiful but I do agree that no support is a real issue. Clearaudio on the other hand has been extremely helpful. Anyway I believe I will be able to listen to both systems next week and will share my experience. 
Right Channel louder than the left
Newbee you are right the AUX in (to which my phone stage is connected) does have its own tubes. The weird thing is that the problem has now gone away when I flipped the connections back and forth on the cartridge. 
Right Channel louder than the left
I just switched the wires on the cartridge and the levels are OK. I switched them back and it looks like problem has gone away or is barely perceptible. Maybe a faulty connection that got resolved?thanks for the help 
Right Channel louder than the left
I actually just switched the input source to CD and the levels even out. I dont think its the preamp.