
Responses from droz

Amp for Thiel CS6
Thanks for all the input. At the moment, I am leaning towards trying a Rogue Audio Zeus. Has anyone had the opportunity to compare the Zeus to a CJ MF2500A amp with Thiel or any other speakers?Thanks> 
Amp for Thiel CS6
Thanks for the great responses thus far. Has anyone specifically used the CJ Premier 350, or the Rogue Zeus with the Thiel CS6? 
Basement system for $5000 or less
Thanks for all the great suggestions. Ultimately, I went with the following setup:1. Rogue Cronus integrated2. Dynaudio Focus 220 speakers3. Rega Apollo CDP4. Project XPression turntable which I had before5. Cobalt Cables speaker cables/interconne... 
Basement system for $5000 or less
Does anyone know of dealers for Totem Acoustics, Jolida, and Vandersteen in Illinois (central Illinois preferably)? Again, thanks for all the advice.Dave 
Basement system for $5000 or less
Lots of great ideas for me to consider. Keep them coming!Thanks,Dave