Responses from drrsutliff
What's your profession? Age? Veterinarian and Animal Hospital Owner, Jacksonville, FL 49 years | |
More CD Player selection woes I aquired a Shanling T-80 about one year ago that uses two output tubes. The Chinese stock tubes projected a very bright presentation, but once upgraded to either WE396a or GE JAN5670s the player became as smooth and almost as detailed as my TT al... | |
Anyone Tried TUNG-SOL EL34 REISSUES? After a week of listening and tweaking the Tung Sol tubes I replaced them with my SEDs. The difference is significant. The soundstage depth has returned and the air around individual instruments is again present. The bass of the Tung Sol was a lit... | |
Phono Pre Amp? I agree with the idea of a tube phono pre. I presently use a AES PH1 made by the same company as Cary audio. The sound is excellent and it has enough gain for a HO moving coil or MM cartridge. There is one for sale in the classified (no relation) ... | |
Anyone Tried TUNG-SOL EL34 REISSUES? Placed the Tung-Sols in service last evening. After adjusting the bias immediatly and after one hour I started to do some listening. Immediate thoughts are that they are very detailed, have a more forward presentation than the SED's, and the botto... | |
Anybody else tried these cheap cables? I purchased a few sets of the CHOSEAL labeled OCC interconnects about a year ago from an individual in the States that made a bulk purchase, and sold them for just under $30.00 a set for both the 0.75 meter and 1.5 meter lengths. They have been mu... |