

Responses from dtc

Sonus Faver Grand Piano
There are Conterto Grand Piano, Grand Piano Home and Domus Grand Piano. You need to differentiate. If I remember correctly Concerto GP can be bi-amped. GP Home have single binding posts. Not sure about Domus. 
Preamp sugestions for an Anthem statment p5 HT?
The Anthems are very good, although as you say are somewhat pricy.Emotiva has had problems with the earlier versions of its processor. I do not know the current details, but they were, at least originally, not rock solid. Getting all the details r... 
anthem statement p5 for home theater
Have you tried turning it on with the trigger or with the auto-sensing? Not sure if it will make a difference or not. Many power amps give you this type of thump or pop when you turn them on. Unless it is loud, it is not really an issue.How does t... 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
I do not see a max volume setting in the manual for your Pioneer, other than the settings to balance the 6 channels. But, as long as you keep the volume down, you will be fine. I have a 400 watt amp driving :200 watt" speakers with no issue using ... 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
Optimally, you want to hear it with your pre-amp and speakers. Maybe if it checks out OK where you audition it, get an agreement to take it home and check it out in your setup. That is a pretty common request for local purchases.And as Willard sai... 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
Willand - just shows that synergy between amp and speakers is important. On my Sonus Faber Grand Piano and especially on my Cremona the 200.7 was just too harsh at anything other than modest volume. Went to a Levinson 432 and solved the problem, a... 
Totem Rainmaker or Dynaudio Excite 12 or Kef Q900
Naim and Totem is usually a great match. Not surprised they work together for you. Enjoy! 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
Willand - my experience is that the highs on the B&K are bright, not warmish and rolled off. I know others have said that, but that is not my experience. 
Hybrid Integrated Amps: Any Good?
Doug - I use the Classic One in my bedroom system to drive Sonus Faber Concerto (originals). Given the usage, I am happy with the stereo mode. My main system is a Cary SLP-05 with a Mark Levinson 432 driving Sonus Faber Cremona (original). I am ve... 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
Take a look at the review of the xpa 5 in Stereophile. There is a link on the Emotiva web page for the amp. It was written by Kal Rubinson. He is a good reviewer and not prone to heap praise on everything he reviews. He compares it to a Bryston, w... 
Hybrid Integrated Amps: Any Good?
I have a Pathos Classic One hybrid and very much like it. The idea of a hybrid is not that strange. A lot of people, including myself, run a tube pre-amp with a solid state amp. It gives you some of the tube feeling, without the hassle of a tube p... 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
A Proceed Amp 5 is also an option, although at somewhat more money. This is an early Levinson design.People seem to also like the Emotiva line. You can get a new XPA-5 for less than $1,000. I have not heard one, but they get good reviews and peopl... 
b&k reference 200.7 price?
B&K is out of business, so repairs can be an issue. I think some former employee(s) are doing service, but I have not seen anything about that recently.I have a 200.7 for a home theater and it is a real powerhouse. However, it can be bright fo... 
Diana Krall Survey
Unfortunately, despite her feel for the music, her lack of range makes her music pretty ordinary to me. 
Sonus Faber Cremona M vs Verity Audio Parsifal
Martyki - Off topic. I have a Pathos Classic One driving original SF Concertos, which I like very much. I have tried it with my original Cremona with less success. To me, it is very nice but just does not have enough to bring out the best in the C...