Responses from dunham_john
Streamer, no DAC please? I agree with yyzsantabarbara. The Lumin U2 is an excellent choice. especially with its upsampling capabilities. I wish it were in Op's price range. | |
Best Music Streamer to pair with Rogue Audio monoblocks and Pre-Amp I have a Node 2i USB connected to a Schiit Audio Bifrost 2/64, Schiit Tyrs, and Magnepan 3.7i. I cross over at 80hz between the Magnepans and a Rhythmik F12SE. It sounds magical. | |
Project (Pro-ject) X1B The site and some of the reseller sites are inconsistently telling me they had the Ortofon Red, then the Sumiko, and now something that is a rebranded Ortofon red. Which is it for sure? | |
Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2? I eventually had to spam one of Jason’s live streams to get the attention I needed. Once in touch, the process worked. Since this time, I’ve replaced the CM III with a pair of Schitt Tyrs and the Freya +, modded with upgraded caps, and rolled tu... | |
power amp ideas for less than $3000 Upvote for the Schitt Tyr monoblocks. I’m using them to drive Maggie 3.7is. | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods Yes, please see the article for details | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods @musiclover1 - The details for how the upgrade is done and the bill of materials required are in the article. They cap details are listed here (vcap odams). https://www.hificollective.co.uk/components/vcap_odam.html I contacted Driftwood Music i... | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods @jayctoy Other than a web-article based on a German website, I'm unsure what you're asking. | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods @musiclover1 Sure. What I notice is the reduced fatigue, even for recordings which are less than ideal (where I'm listening regularly). I attribute this to lower distortion in the mid to high frequency ranges and an improved crossover profile, a... | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods I ordered the caps and had the upgrade done. WOW! What a huge improvement. I highly recommended doing it!!! | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods Hi Sid, I read the same perspective at the link previously provided. I am not qualified to weigh in on the topic. What I'm hoping to learn is if there are qualified folks who would do this work and if so, who are they? | |
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods https://diyaudio.de/the-schiit-freya-multi-mode-preamp/?fbclid=IwAR3ypuKA9dE4YPySgw5kgygLJ5ln8UarumST_ZLq9z1Gs9xNkvY2mkfnyCo | |
Icon audio LA5 TX pre amp Wow, this is an old thread. I came here to ask the same thing! Anyone have feedback on the LA5 TX preamp? My current preamp is a Schiit Freya + with rolled tubes. | |
Finally Learned: Subs serve much larger role than adding more low bass My experience has been a combination of validation and learning. The Rythmik F12SE PEQ has been magically supportive of my Maggie 1.7s; however, my integrated Cronus Magnum III has been challenging, because my Maggies can't keep up and need to be ... | |
Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2? @bnolts - I wish. There's been no response from Schiit, yet. I'm guessing I'll give it to tomorrow and then will call Amex. Ho hum... :( |