

Responses from dunham_john

Streamer, no DAC please?
I agree with yyzsantabarbara. The Lumin U2 is an excellent choice. especially with its upsampling capabilities. I wish it were in Op's price range.  
Best Music Streamer to pair with Rogue Audio monoblocks and Pre-Amp
I have a Node 2i USB connected to a Schiit Audio Bifrost 2/64, Schiit Tyrs, and Magnepan 3.7i. I cross over at 80hz between the Magnepans and a Rhythmik F12SE. It sounds magical.   
Project (Pro-ject) X1B
The site and some of the reseller sites are inconsistently telling me they had the Ortofon Red, then the Sumiko, and now something that is a rebranded Ortofon red. Which is it for sure?  
Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2?
I eventually had to spam one of Jason’s live streams to get the attention I needed. Once in touch, the process worked. Since this time, I’ve replaced the CM III with a pair of Schitt Tyrs and the Freya +, modded with upgraded caps, and rolled tu... 
power amp ideas for less than $3000
Upvote for the Schitt Tyr monoblocks. I’m using them to drive Maggie 3.7is.   
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
Yes, please see the article for details   
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
@musiclover1 - The details for how the upgrade is done and the bill of materials required are in the article. They cap details are listed here (vcap odams). https://www.hificollective.co.uk/components/vcap_odam.html I contacted Driftwood Music i... 
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
@jayctoy  Other than a web-article based on a German website, I'm unsure what you're asking.  
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
@musiclover1  Sure. What I notice is the reduced fatigue, even for recordings which are less than ideal (where I'm listening regularly). I attribute this to lower distortion in the mid to high frequency ranges and an improved crossover profile, a... 
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
I ordered the caps and had the upgrade done. WOW! What a huge improvement. I highly recommended doing it!!!  
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
Hi Sid,   I read the same perspective at the link previously provided. I am not qualified to weigh in on the topic. What I'm hoping to learn is if there are qualified folks who would do this work and if so, who are they?  
Freya + ( Plus ) Capacity Mods
Icon audio LA5 TX pre amp
Wow, this is an old thread. I came here to ask the same thing! Anyone have feedback on the LA5 TX preamp? My current preamp is a Schiit Freya + with rolled tubes.   
Finally Learned: Subs serve much larger role than adding more low bass
My experience has been a combination of validation and learning. The Rythmik F12SE PEQ has been magically supportive of my Maggie 1.7s; however, my integrated Cronus Magnum III has been challenging, because my Maggies can't keep up and need to be ... 
Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2?
@bnolts - I wish. There's been no response from Schiit, yet. I'm guessing I'll give it to tomorrow and then will call Amex. Ho hum... :(