
Responses from dwest1023

Looking for a simple system
Go with the Electrocompaniet ECI 6DX MKII. I own pass 250, Mac 352, Accuphase 380, Hegal 390 and the above. You cannot go wrong with the electro. Check the reviews out. I am astounded how good this amp is. I also own 12 pairs of bookshelf speakers... 
Hegel hum?
The hum is most likely coming from the transformer inside the amp. I use to hear it in my H390. Got a DC blocker and the hum went away. Since grounding the outlet the amp was plugged into I don’t hear any hum. I think what you are hearing is norma... 
I enjoy the warmth of the Hegal and its  very articulate bass. It sounds good with any types of music. The ECI 6 has Krell like forceful  bass. The Hegal in contrast has a more relaxing sound which I prefer. However my ECI 6 is only 2days of playi... 
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
I’ve owned shitt yygy, Denafrips Pontus and terminator. Nothing bad about any of them they all, had their pluses. However the Holo spring may Kte stopped me from looking. Great build and looks. Does not get in the way of the music. Might be better... 
Dynaudio Evoke 20
I own 13 pair bookshelf speakers including the evoke 20 and special 40. The 20 is a warm sounding speaker with somewhat laid back treble. Has excellent bass weight, with its star being its vocals. It can scale up with better amps. Like most Dynaud... 
@stuartk  Since I rotate 4 amps it’s been a while since I’ve listen to the Hegel. I can say the ECI 6 has a much stronger bass or slam if you will. However as of right now I prefer the sound of the Hegel  
I just received my ECI 6 today and I must say this is a very musical amp. I can see how this amp might not be for all taste, but what amp is? Details seem to come from out of nowhere. Very strong and grunty bass.  Of one hint of grain. Smooth as b... 
looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion
Please consider the PS Audio FR 5. It has a great bottom end and clarity galore. PS Audio did a fantastic job integrating the ribbon tweeter with the mid-base driver.  
Does You Subwoofer Settings ??
I find that some music has more bass than others. I usually just enjoy as is. However my B&W sub has an app and I can make all adjustment from my listening position. I also have a schitt Loki max eq. It has remote control so again I can make a... 
speaker upgrade fever
Larseand, seems to me you already have a nice speaker system. If you must change you could try Dynaudio in your price range. The New PS audio Fr5 might be worth a try for less money. There was audiophile on the PS audio forum, that sold his Kef re... 
Because some audiophiles are scientists. If it does not show in the measurements, it’s not there.  
Mac MA 352 vs Pass INT-60
If you change out the stock tunes to pvane horizon, the mac 352 will sound significantly better. As far as pass coloring sound, my pass 250 does not color the sound anymore than my Mac, Accuphase, Hegal. They all have a slightly different presenta... 
Good USB C Cable
Carda has an excellent USB C cable. I have one that I am not using.  
Micromega M-100 with MARS or Copland CSA 70
 Micromega products do sound good, but not reliable. I’d say move on from it.  
Mac MA 352 vs Pass INT-60
Yes, the pass 60 is heavy, but the 250 is heavier. It weighs 106 pounds! I have a small two-shelf rack and put my pass on the top level. I use a hydraulic lift to take it down and put it up. I'm 70, and no way can I lift that beast. Enjoy your Pas...