
Discussions edle has started

ARC SP-11 MK1 and ARC SP-11 MK2...25531
Audio Research SP-11 MK2 ...2925613
Doshi preamp...Is it a good preamp with CD + LP ?38014
What is the best knot for a thread drive belt ?1090411
Shindo 301 plinth demensions L x H x D in inches30851
Playstation 3 Blue Ray quality - How good is it ?738120
LCD TV - Are they reliable ?879525
I'm looking for a big new LCD or projection type540619
Is the e-mail sounds like a 'SCAM' ?573927
Who can repair my CAL Tempest II Special Edition ?24034
Denon DL-103 for Thorens TD-135 turntable/tonearm?29981
VPI turntable again......1368141
Can I use a Denon DL103 with FR64 tonearm? Is it a28774
Old & New Koetsu Rosewood mc. Which is better?28771
Do anyone have a pair of Monster M1000 cable?95557