Responses from effischer
DAC doesn't recognize hi-res files Thanks, Doggie! I didn't know I could adjust the Mac MIDI output by selecting the external audio device. I'll try it that way first to check out how it sounds. Just have to remember to reset it before I unplug.I'm a hard-core vinyl head in my off ... | |
Your favorite album cover... No particular order: Be Bop Deluxe - Sunburst Finish, Zappa - One Size Fits All, Tangerine Dream - Atmasphere, Gentle Giant - In a Glass House, Walter Carlos - Switched On Bach I & II, Clockwork Orange soundtrack. | |
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished? You are caught between a rock and a hard place, Easy. Unlike Lewm, I love the Sapphire I bought new in 1984 and wouldn't consider anything else. However, he is correct regarding the bearing, and it sounds like your arm may also be toast. Moreover,... | |
Your last concert was to see who and when? Stanley Clarke, Beachland Ballroom, 1 March 2014, Cleveland OH. A great show in a very small venue by a truly nice guy with awesome talent. | |
Early MOFI vinyl formulation The vinyl was indeed made (and patented) by JVC. The trade name was Supervinyl and it was made using virgin material in a proprietary formulation. MFSL used it exclusively until JVC stopped offering it. Others that used it were Japanese home-marke... | |
Cleveland Ohio If you haven't called them already, you can try Audio Classics in Vestal. They can't always service stuff but should be able to test it. You can also call Paragon in Ann Arbor, Jamiesons in Toledo and Speaker Shop in Buffalo. There are others, but... | |
New Tonearm for Sota: Origin encounter or graham It absolutely will work just fine. Had a Magnepan Unitrac I on mine until it finally couldn't be resuscitated anymore. Replaced it with a Graham Phantom Supreme. An awesome combo.Depending on the age of your table, you might want to install new su... | |
McIntosh C 2300 vs BAT VK-52SE/51SE The C2300 is one of the best tube preamps ever made. If you don't plan on using it for vinyl, however, you can save some money going with the C2200. Guts are the same but the C2300 adds an extra MC phono section.Good luck & happy listening! | |
How can I order a new arm board for my SOTA? You don't say if your 2.2 has the Graham mount or the SME mount. If it is the Graham mount, just order a new arm board for the Phantom instead. Phantom is a drop-in replacement for the 2.2, so it will be backwards-compatible (or very nearly so). Y... | |
Graham Phantom Anti-Skate. Is it effective at all? My experience with the Graham fixtures for arm position and cart alignment was initially very trying. I have the 9" arm. To begin, arm position needs to be such that the spindle locator pin has no stress from any direction when the headshell recep... | |
How long before your cartridge warms up? Can't speak to the Anna, but my MCs (Dynavectors) and MMs (mostly Ortofons) never needed any warm-up once they were broken in (50+ hours or so). Waiting for the rest of the electronics to warm up is probably more important. My system doesn't reall... | |
mc302 or mc352 You don't say what you're using for speakers, so that is a tough call to make. I can say I love my MC302. Lots of depth, punch, beautiful imaging and silent. Good luck & happy listening! | |
Sheffield Lab Thank you, Al. The audio hobby, like any hobby, is supposed to be fun. Yet people often take it too seriously. So much so that it can be difficult to ignore their bloaviating vituperance. | |
Sheffield Lab I'm especially fond of the Dave Grusin and Harry James LPs. I constantly refer back to them whenever I need a touchstone after making a system change or listening to something I think might approach that level. I also find the Drum Disk and Track ... | |
What can I expect, if anything going from a ma6500 D100 functions as either a pre-amp or DAC-only, so no problem going direct to the MC302. It also offers balanced outputs, a big plus going to a separate amplifier and improves the S/N ratio on the MC302 quite a bit. Only drawback is that D100 has ... |