
Responses from effischer

Any experience with these turntables?
Hey man! Been awhile since I’ve seen your handle on a new thread, and I trust you’re still doing well.I’ve got some experience with the AR, Marantz and Garrard tables. Of those, the AR could be the best way to go, especially if you like to tinker.... 
Help with cartridge
Sad to say it but you’ll have a hard time working with Needle Doctor (Minneapolis MN); the owner closed it last year due to poor health. I’m also pretty certain they didn’t do repairs or upgrades, just re-tip trade-ins. Perhaps you’re thinking of ... 
McIntosh C2300 vs C2500/C2600 A/B Comparison
Congratulations!  I feel that was a very good call on your part.  No fuss, no muss and minimum bucks.  I never got to tube roll my C2300; turned it in on a C50 for reasons not relevant to this thread.  I'd always wanted to try the Telefunkens; it ... 
McIntosh C2300 vs C2500/C2600 A/B Comparison
If you're not interested in the DAC, save your money and keep the C2300.  The analog signal electronics are the same as what's used in the C2500/2600/2700.  An argument could even be made that without the DAC and the associated I/O subsystems, the... 
All the brands I don't like...
This is supposed to be a hobby. You know, something people do to have a pleasant experience?Just stop the hate fests and tell us what makes your listening happy. Keep the rest to yourself.  
Please suggest a few really good classical recordings
@almarg @rcprince @newbee Thank you all for your suggestions.  Have them noted down and will look to see what pops up at various resellers & Ebay.@millercarbon I've had several copies of the same LPs by multiple artists that really show the di... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, Severance Hall, 8 February 2020, Cleveland OH. Susanna Malkki conducting Sibelius' Symphony #1.  Leila Josefowicz, guest violinist for Sibelius' En Saga, Opus 9 and Knussen Violin Concerto, Opus 30.  Simply stunning. 
sound quality control (mixing) at live venues
I believe that a notable percentage, perhaps even a majority, of the poor quality sound I’ve heard at recent amplified/electrified concerts has indeed been due to the change to digital technology. The best (read worst) example both my wife and I e... 
Disappointing On Mcintosh......help
Listen to as many systems and speaker sets in various combinations as you can. You first must find a sound that pleases you. Without that, the rest is pointless. FWIW, I prefer to start with speakers. It is an approach that has served me well. Usi... 
MX-135 DAC
The DAC in the Node is far newer than the one in the MX, and I'm given to understand from a number of recent forum posts here that the new DACs are so much better that there some question as to whether anything greater than 44.1 kHz Red Book is ev... 
McIntosh MA8900 DAC not outputting more than 44.1 kHz
Ran into this with my C50.  I can't speak to the Oppo, but the MacBook needs to have the MIDI reset to a higher resolution.  Go to Applications, then Utilities then Audio MIDI setup.  Note that doing this will force all files to be output via the ... 
Which belt-driven table to play Rock vinyl?
Take a hard look at SOTA.  Their Sapphire is one of the best out there at any price and is right on your budget target.  Very high mass platter, a suspension that is envious and can use just about any tonearm you want.  Rock-steady on RPM once you... 
Recommendations on audio quality hearing aid
Just went through this with my wife last December.  She had worked with Clair Brothers Audio back in the day and is quite particular.  Touring with the Dead can do that to a person.  She hadn't been happy with anything she'd looked into so kept pu... 
A Worthwhile Untrasonic Cleaner
You're entirely welcome and thank you for directing my attention to the power connection - I missed that completely.  I may have to add the WEWU rotisserie to my wish list; the wood stand that came with the V8 works and is fairly pretty, but is al... 
A Worthwhile Untrasonic Cleaner
Thanks for the links!  Wish I'd been able to find them 6 years ago; quite a bit less expensive than the V8 cleaner I ended up with.  The rotisserie is higher quality too, but isn't powered.  I can think of a few ways around that, though.  You migh...