
Responses from emergingsoul

Nucleus, is there a better alternative?
Sns, That’s one hell of an answer thank you. I thought it eliminated noise to a degree. So if you have a really really good Ethernet cable then maybe that accomplishes the same thing. And the shorter the better. Also, looking into an audiograde... 
Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?
It's my understanding the incito s from aires cerat does not offer standby functionality. So it's not a fully functional remote. I believe the Power switche is on the back. very disappointing way to design something. Think of all the people who us... 
Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?
It’s like buying a multilevel house when you’re 70 where it’s very possible you won’t be able to reach the second floor at some point. Even an injury with a recovery period Will totally disrupt your life. So if you’re going to buy a preamp and ha... 
Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?
ARC reference preamps are totally inappropriate for home theater use since they are on most of the time during the day and they have so many damn tubes. You’ll be chasing tubes every 12 months if not more. Yeah I saw the Home theater bypass butto... 
Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?
VAC , Cary, aires cerat, and many others, fall very short not providing a fully functional remote. To not have a remote that controls standby. Volume and input selection is a major major disappointment. For the money people are spending on these p... 
Soulution 725 or Robert Koda Takumi k10?
What distinguishes the INCITO S PREAMPLIFIER from a Conrad Johnson preamplifier, and vtl, and audio research?  
Best XLRs under $500 a pair
Mogami Gold it's probably the best for the price it's not very expensive. XLR cables don't get much better the more you spend. Recording studios use mogami.   
Is an unbalanced preamp a bad thing?
And there in lies the huge challenge manufacturers don’t really explain it very well. They say it’s balanced but then again is it really truly balanced for purposes of determining if it’s better to use XLR’s or a simple RCA connection.   This is... 
Is an unbalanced preamp a bad thing?
I am borrowing a Conrad Johnson preamplifier and it sounds very nice but to my surprise I couldn't use XLR cables.  If I wanted this preamplifier I would have to go through all the torture of selecting new cables versus XLR cables I already have. ... 
Why is used audio equipment so undesirable?
As a result of reading through each of the comments I have come to some revelations and they are as follows: Rather than run the risk of having used gear for sale always stretch to the highest quality you can afford to avoid the costly upgrade cy... 
GAT versus ET-5 Conrad Johnson preamps
Did you end up with the gat?  
Conrad Johnson GAT - What else is there?
Curious to know how things ended up? Ever get rid of the Conrad Johnsen preamp? Not sure I fully understand why you Woul get rid of it. I’m trying to find a tube preamp, two or four tubes, that would benefit a home theater system for the main spe... 
ARC LS2 versus B.A.T. VK-3i
Bat has six or so tubes, uses a lot of energy. Never understood why certain preamps have so many tubes versus only two tubes that are used in extremely well regarded preamps. More tubes leads to a lot more heat and in the summer Will complete with... 
Systems over $100k
So you bought a system worth over $100,000 and now you’re going to Disneyland? It’s all about the journey and the destination sometimes not as much fun unless it’s Disneyland. Is it possible to ever be satisfied? It’s incredibly difficult to lea... 
I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
How do you like the allnic preamp?  Have you considered changing the preamp for another one?