
Responses from english210

Nasty problem - ideas?
Ok, thanks, I'll retry the same passage with the sub turned down - it was impressive, but didn't seem too loud. Maybe it was too much. Thanks. 
I know, there is no 'best', but...
Ok, more good options. Thanks. I am thinking of having all separate amplification (either one 7 channel, or adding a 5 channel to my current 2), so an avr with amps would be redundant - I just can't help thinking outboard amps are a better way to ... 
1st time buyer: Paradigm vs Revel vs B&W vs ?
The other consideration will be placement in your room. Whatever you buy will ahve the potentail to satisfy you, but also disappoint depending on your room placement restrictions. Jammed in a corner against walls = bad, pulled out somewhat into th... 
Early stages of choosing replacement floorstanders
How much of a factor is room size in my decision making? Not from an aesthetic factor, but from a sound standpoint. It is well known that a speaker that impresses in one environ, disappoints in another, and part of the difference is the room. What... 
Early stages of choosing replacement floorstanders
I have a blind spot when it comes to KEF, probably un justified, and partly because they have some many options, I'm not sure where to start looking - and of course I haven't found a dealer yet. I'll work on that - they obviously have a strong fol... 
Early stages of choosing replacement floorstanders
Telescope, how are they sounding now. What speaker wires did you get? Harley - thanks, I checked out their site a little last night, I'll check them out further - 90 day in home is appealing. 
I know, there is no 'best', but...
Yeah, I'm liking that idea more and more. I was in fact looking at Emotiva and Outlaw processors last night. Basic, which is good, but apparently up to the sound quality of the majority of processors out there. I'm also wondering with the esoteric... 
I know, there is no 'best', but...
Soix, You bring up some good points. Getting a single piece that covers both applications only to the degree I want without overkill would be a big ask 
I know, there is no 'best', but...
That Theta looks like a beast...interesting that it's designed to be upgraded indefinitely, and configurable according to the level of quality I want in the DACs'. I've heard good about Meridian as well. Analog 2 channel isn't critical, all my sou... 
Suggested Improvements for Set Up?
I was going to suggest the amp. I have the earlier AVR, the 3010. I used that and an old Yamaha amp at 150wpc to drive my speakers. I switched between them and didn't really hear much difference. Through a recommendation from a 'goner, I upgraded ... 
Upgrade my amp again
I hate to add confusion, but the wattage ratings are only part of the story. I recently replaced a 150 watt amp with a different 150 amp (inefficient speakers in a bigger room). The difference was immense! The power delivery, control, and even vol... 
Early stages of choosing replacement floorstanders
Thanks for the responses. One main question remaining is will the PSB's and/or Focals create the same depth of stage if they were hooked up to the same equipment and pulled out into the room 4 feet plus like the Vandy's?I listened to the CM10's ov... 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
Great thread! Keep it silly!! Of course, if your sound is as good as it can get, where you can't imagine how it could sound better, does that mean you are at the end of the line?? No more forward progress? No more drooling over the screen of your ... 
room makes or breaks
I'm looking at the daunting prospect of having my room's issues treated, and fighting the urge to replace the speakers until I have done some treatments. Which brings up a newbie question- Is there such a thing as 'prepping' a room to accept whate... 
PSB Imagine T opinions..and how they fare vs Focal
Sorry, no. Started at the T2, and went up only. Which now that I think about it, is strange for me, but oh well. When I went in and told the dealer what I'd be replacing, he took me straight to the T2's. When I went back, he had added the Synchron...