Responses from erik_squires
Sanders Sound Systems 10E - The Genius has done it. Interesting, Roger has never shied away from DSP technology. His panels were quite nice and needed a lot less correction than some other famous brands, so I imagine the combination is pretty stunning. :) Best,Erik | |
Help choose best amp/preamp combo? Rotel and B&W do business together, but I don’t think they a particularly good match, any more than Krell is (yeah, that’s my opinion).Given the usual tonal balance of the B&W nautilus line, I’d say you probably need genuine tone controls ... | |
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All? @tomcy6 I wonder. ;) Im far too jaded to believe in price being completely tied to performance.Good to know about a bargain player. thanks!! | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive @tomcy6 Agreed.Your emotions cause you to buy speakers, not your oscilloscope. Buy what you like, but always keep an ear out for what else you might like, and different types of emotional engagements.It’s like baseball. Stats are fun, but it’s the... | |
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All? Hi @bombaywalla Haha, I don’t have that kind of cash flow, and I’m not the biggest BAD fanboy. I like them a lot, but overall I think I prefer warmer sound.According to what I read online, yes, Mytek did in fact submit the DAC’s for approval, or m... | |
Sanders Sound Systems 10E - The Genius has done it. Sanders makes some very good stuff, I used to be a rep for him, ages ago, and got him into the NY show a long time ago.One thing, on the older speakers, bass was not always well integrated with the panels. It was not a matter of dynamic vs. planar... | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive About listening at shows.... one tip that I go by now is I go through the hallways first. If the music sounds good outside, then and only then do I bother to go in.It sounds really weird, but this was a tip I had learned before, and was confirmed ... | |
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All? @cvalle as far as I know you are mostly correct, however, I have a personal connection ( cough cough cough, bs) with Berkeley Audio Design and they have stated they hope to release MQA compatability this year (not bs). If Tidal support is real, AN... | |
Berkeley Alpha Reference run direct By the way, I'm also not saying you SHOULD do any of this. You just asked about what else you might like to try, hence my suggestions. What you should do is up to your ears and wallet, not mine. :) Best,Erik | |
Berkeley Alpha Reference run direct Not sure if better, but i would be very curious what a tube preamp would do. Im in the minority who find the BAD a bit cool, so if i had deep pockets and endless time it want to try a very good tube pre to warm and maybe sprinkle a little magic. ... | |
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All? @kijanki Great, thanks! :) Interesting reading. 99% of that writing has nothing to do with sound quality but marketting and branding concerns, which are very very real. I do worry it’s just a way of taking money out of the market, like GMO corn se... | |
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All? @ahender you are not alone, however I think there's a bit of a mistake there in terms of the generic process.It's a 2 part process. During encoding they attempt to remove any effects from the ADC but after this it's expected that the MQA decoding... | |
Just bought used Wilson audio Sophia 1 and Wilson audio center channel comments Very nice. I put up a mod online to replace the Focal Profile 918 tweeters with a Scanspeak Be tweeter. If you are going to keep the 918s its transforming.Best,Erik | |
Auralic Aries Mini vs Bluesound Node ll vs Sonos You know, if Auralic just made a player that was compatible with Squeezelite we’d be done!Squeezelite is an open source music player that runs on Linux and makes it behave like a Squeezebox. So many player appliances are based on Linux this is oft... | |
What happened to Berkeley Audio Design My bad, but to be honest I thought with all the positive press and seeing BAD products used by top tier speaker makers I was sure it would be moments before there were half a dozen posts talking about BAD activities I did not know about. I'll be m... |