Responses from exlibris
Reference DACS: An overall perspective Right: I will send the PCM signal to the DCC2 via the AES/EBU. I will also send the clock signal to the DCC2 via a BNC.I will set the DCC2 to be the Master and the CDSD, the slave.The DCC2 will upconvert PCM from *any* tranport to 5.6488MHz DSD (a... | |
Reference Transports: An overall perspective Henry,You are right about the transports but some would say that Accuphase, Zanden, Kondo, Goto, and ALE and do a pretty good job in some of those other categories as well. As you said, 'there are exceptions.' | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective Teajay,"does this mean that you have given up your quest to audition non-upsampling DACS for right now?"Yes; *for now*. I would have to take too big a hit in order to sell my DCC2 right now. There is a lot of used EMM stuff around. I'm still very ... | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective An update:I ended up buying the CDSD to go with my DCC2. I should get it in a few weeeks. | |
Reference Transports: An overall perspective Anyone know what transport sounds good with Zanden DACs (other than the Zanden 2000 transport, of course)? | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective Henry,Short of actually buying the CDSD, I'm not going to be able able to hear one in my system. I find it hard to commit to the CDSD when the combination of the Accustic Arts Drive 1 and EMM DCC2 is so disappointing in my system. Though the Phili... | |
Reference Transports: An overall perspective Do the TEAC VRDS units have a particular sound?I know that the TEAC digital products themselves have a 'house sound' but I'm wondering if anyone has used one of these tranpsorts with a DAC that is not made by TEAC.Also, do these transports upsampl... | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective Teajay,I'll try and answer your 3 questions:1) Did you have have the chance to audition the Audiomat reference Dac which does not upsample?Not yet, but I will try and get that one in. 2) Did you audition the AA DAC1mk3 with the Sextet or did you h... | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective For what it's worth, I've started a "Reference Transports: An overall perspective"thread.I had nothing constructive to say; I was just hoping to get the ball rolling. | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective I've always said that I'm not interested in owning a great stereo; I really don't like how stereos sound. I'm interested in experiencing real music in my listening room.--------------------I tried using an old MSB DAC with the Accustic Arts Drive ... | |
Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there? Has anyone actually owned the DCC2 - CDSD combo and sold it to acquire a different digital front end? | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective Teajay,Long story...Since I no longer use the preamp section of the DCC2 and I no longer listen to SACDs, I just can't justify owning such an expense "CD player" (DCC2 + CDSD = $20k; my car is worth half that). I'm looking to sell my DCC2 and SACD... | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective I've posted a short review of the Stealth Varidig Sextet digital cable here:Stealth Varidig Sextet | |
Review: Stealth Audio Cables Varidig Sextet Reference Interconnect I've been using this cable in my system for just over a week. Here is a short review:Straight out of the package the Stealth Varidig Sextet had a transformational effect on my system. I wasn’t at all prepared for what I heard. My system sounded ve... | |
Reference DACS: An overall perspective Henryhk,I'm still using the SACD 1000 (not the CDSD). I use the clock in the SACD 1000. I like the Stealth so much that I actually prefer to listen to the Redbook layer of SACDs (using the Stealth wire) rather than listen to the SACD layer using t... |