
Responses from facten

Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature Monitors?
I can't specifically comment on your question as I have the Linbrook System 2s in one system and Taylo 7Us in another versus the monitors that you are interested in. I primarily listen to smooth jazz and both of these fit the bill nicely. A few su... 
Integrated Tube Amplifier for First Timer?
Soundquest SQ 88 55wpc ,auto bias, very nice sounding 
Reliable tube integrated for $1000
A little over your budget - Soundquest SQ 88 KT88 55 wpc 
AudioMetallurgy Zero I.C.'s
Echo the remarks above, replaced Audience conductors. Seem to work well with both SS and tubes 
Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC
Might want to check out the DACs offered by Pacific Valve 
Power Cord Upgrade for Jolida 202
Idon'thavea Jolida but the only power cord that I have tried that seems to have made any audible difference is Audio Art Cable's -Iam not affliated. In addtion to it I have used PS Audio, Signal Cable , NAT. Good luck 
KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
Won a pair of Silkworms a fewweeks back on auction, and while nice sounding "right out of the box" they have really come into their own. Agree with Eldulcesol's description above of the high's, mid's and bass. A great cable. Also, without digressi... 
Differences in electric outlets
Another question if I may, I see that some of these are cryo'd and others not- any real audible benefits from cryo-ing outlets? 
Differences in electric outlets
Thanks to everyone thus far with you comments. I am somewhat of a skeptic as well, i.e. bought a few different power cords, PSAudio and a few others and think that the only one I really noticed a difference from the stock cords on was Audio Art Ca... 
Just a suggestion, if you could squeeze a little more into your budget and are looking for some decent gear you might wantto take a peek at the following two vendor sites, I am not affliliated with either DMC-Electonic and Audio Advisor (the latte... 
what cables???
I use signal cable ultra bi-wires with my Linbrook system 2s; and Wireworld Atlantis 5 in my secondsystem with Taylo 7Us 
Tyler Acoustics Comparisons
Danet2 - understanding that you may want a certain driver configuration I'd just say that I was pleasantly "suprised " by the bass depth of the Taylos - just thought it was worth noting. I haven't heard any open baffle speakers to 'know' the sound... 
Tyler Acoustics Comparisons
I have two systems with Tylers in each, can't give you the exact comparision you are looking for, but for what it is worth - in one I have the Linbrook System 2s , the other Taylo 7Us. The System 2s are driven by either of 2 integrateds a Plinius ... 
budget digital coax
I usean IXOS 1041 between my ArcamCD72 and LiteDAC got it through Quest for Sound (not affliliated) 
Speakers that mate well with Plinius 9200
I also have an 8200 and drive Tyler Linbrook System 2s with it. For me that are a very good match, enjoyable musically and none fatiquing. A little out of the range you want to spend, but Ty offers quality 'used' speakers. I both the Linbrooks and...