
Responses from fas42

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Atmasphere, you are echoing what has been said many times, that digital volume control is "bad", which is always perplexing to me. By contrast, once a system is of sufficient resolution it is actually quite obvious the distortion all conventional ... 
How loud is loud, What DB is actually loud?
Very good write up of all this sort of stuff at www.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/musFAQ.html (FAQ in music acoustics). In particular, "Does adding two equal sounds give an increase of 3 or 6 dB? Why?" is explained very clearly.Frank 
How loud is loud, What DB is actually loud?
Can't really go wrong with a pair of Klipsch speakers, say around 96dB sensivity.Frank 
What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .
Elizabeth, I agree with your comments generally, except that I would say the amplifiers are not able to process the fine signal properly because of weaknesses, or problems, in the amplifier and its interaction with other components. Eliminate thos... 
What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .
For me, "Bloom" is just lower levels of unpleasant, low level distortion, which your ear has to try to ignore so that you enjoy the music. Virtually all systems inject a decent amount of this distortion, that classic dealer showroom "in your face"... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
And to continue the guitar analogy: if he changes his mind, goes back and orders the custom made instrument it will sound very impressive only when he plays a certain style of music, and only selected pieces within the repetoire of that. The sort ... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Okay guys, I'm still feeling Christmasy so I won't let you rattle me for the moment ... :-) I'll have another go at explaining my (to me, perfectly valid) examples, down the track ...So, cheers and Merry Xmas from me,Frank 
How close to the real thing?
Atmasphere, I am adamant that the rules of human hearing trump all other considerationsAgree 100%.So the effect in an amplifier with loop feedback is that low level detail will be truncated and this is readily audible (IME) as a loss of ambient an... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Sorry, Onhwy61, what you talk of is NOT plug and play. Yes, manufacturers make all the main bits, which harmonise visually and hopefully sound wise, but they do NOT come as a complete package.I am talking here of the Ikea experience: you walk in, ... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Drubin, thanks for your response! As regards getting the cymbals to shimmer, I'm talking here, in terms of what's possible, of early Rolling Stones, say. And yes, a system CAN do that.If shimmer is not so good, double check first through the speak... 
How close to the real thing?
Atmasphere, The problem here is that while theorem is supposed, there are real-world phenomena that do not care about the theorem.I'm sorry, I don't quite follow. Yes, if you use Spice, say, to examine behaviour just based on straightforward theo... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Macrojack, thanks for your positive response. Sorry I didn't get back earlier, and I note that other people are obviously not REALLY interested in getting better sound; strange addiction, this hobby, where a lot of people believe they are condemne... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Tbg, yes, classic Sinatra recordings are an excellent test for a system in good form: the orchestra should sound massive and deep, with tremendous bite and clarity in all the brass, while Sinatra's voice is superbly smooth, low key and controlled,... 
How close to the real thing?
An analogy (yet again!): if you drank red wine which was always very ordinary or even mediocre, you would or could with great conviction claim that there is no such as a truly extraordinary, supremely satisfying great red. But, if you sampled such... 
why do my AR9's sound so lousy?
1) Is any of the wiring done with push on connectors? If so, get rid of them, worst bit of junk afflicting lots of speakers. Solder everything, if you can't, get the best contact enhancer you can lay your hands on and do every connection2) The cap...