

Responses from filipm

ARC REF 150 Buzzing noise
@scottwsmith I'm having the very same problem right now. Buzz in about 30 minutes, sound gets leaner as the buzz is getting stronger.  Good to know where to focus.  KT150's should be alright, I checked with ARC some time ago but I'm still using ... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@ejb14 I have recorded the transformer hums. I level of noise is not audible in the room of course but it's audible when you get closer to the device. The EAR is the loudest, the ALLO linear supply for my streamer and DAC is almost not audible at... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@ejb14 There is a transformer hum in the EAR. I thought that's normal. There's also some hum in the LS16. Nothing too loud but when you get head close to the device in absolute silence it's audible.  The electrician didn't make it yet. But I got ... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@dover I already got an electrician over and it was the first thing he did. I demonstrated the problem with the phono preamp, he even brought a 12V battery and we had plugged the EAR into that. I have shared a picture in a one of the previous post... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@lewm  @ejb14 I should have mentioned I live in Prague, Czech Republic. The voltage is 230V and the frequency is 50Hz. I posted it on a local forum but got quickly annoyed by the same jokes some people have been posting for the last two decades ov... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@ejb14 It's connected, both channels are. The grounding pin of the power input is connected, the case as well (but's it's painted so it can only be measured through the screws or one tiny spot where the paint has been scratched off) How's that po... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@atmasphere when it's not running off the battery - when it's powered from the PS, it's the same except a 50Hz ground loop that is hard to get rid off when powered from the battery. @ejb14 I can take detailed pictures of the input RCA and post it... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@atmasphere  I bought the EAR before the ARC LS16 and it's been tested with other things, Bryston B60 was one of them.  I mentioned it because it's a solid state integrated. When I plugged the EAR into the Bryston the noise was still being picke... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
I guess there's nothing that could go wrong making the shorting plugs. I simply cut a piece of cheap RCA cable and connected the signal wire to the shielding wire. It still acts as a regular cable though, basically an antenna.  I measured it with... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@ejb14 ok, signal and ground are twisted together. But the result is the same as if I plugged a regular RCA cable - a lot louder than emtpy inputs.   
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@atmasphere Thanks for the long answer. First of all, I totally agree it could be a matter of poor wiring (Even though I have tried the same TT and cables elsewhere and it was fine). But it can’t be the XLR part. Is there a way to short the input... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@theaudioamp That's possible but the noise if being picked up even when the turntable was unplugged from everything. The signal was just weaker. I can plug any RCA cable to the input of the phono stage to get back the strength of the signal, doesn... 
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?
I'm thinking of moving the linestage along with the sources of course further from the speakers.  I'm currently using 1m Nordost Red Dawn XLR between the preamp and the power amp. (This option works definitely better than any RCA I have tried). ... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@theaudioamp thanks, this is nice. 50hz means a ground loop, right? the system is overall quiet with the other inputs. there's only slight white noise on the DAC's input, audible only when I'm really close to a speaker and at high volume levels. ... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
@ejb14  Ok, I'll get them as fast as possible. I actually got this recommendation a while ago but I have been trying so many things I have forgotten. Thank you.  I have tried to find out how the wifi noise sounds like. Are you able to record it?...