
Responses from fpomposo

T.H.E. Show in Costa Mesa on Friday
Tonian Labs out of Burbank had one of the best rooms, especially considering it's $9500 speakers with a $4k Denon integrated amp .. as good or better than rooms 10x the price... By far the most transparent room in the show at any price...  The J.... 
Surge protector
Why don't you just take the amp boards out of the speakers and take them to be repaired? It's probably just a few screws and a couple connectors, and they probably weigh under 10 lbs, not that hard to do.   
I have two wave generators, one in the front and one behind me. I'd just try one too start, I've had my cousin who is the least audiophile person notice the difference when I A/B on/off tested it on her. My buddy has the Acoustic Revive one that i... 
I say get a couple Schuman wave generators, I buy the $50 nobsound ones on Amazon, they are in a wood case and look much nicer than the cheap plastic $10 ones, but they really add a smoother more analog sound quality without touching anything in y... 
Better hearing
I just bought these eardrops for ringing ears at Rite Aid... I had a situation where a home alarm went off while I was trying to put in the (wrong) code .. like 140db high pitched noise at point blank for 2 minutes .. my ears hurt and were ringing... 
Question about suitable fuse metals
I'd say wait for a sale and bite the bullet for some Synergistic Research fuses... I thought they would be a bunch of BS but holy smokes they are awesome... I started with one Orange in my amp just to see if it was worth it, not to long until I di... 
Upgrade from Bluesound Node
I'm running a Aurender N150 into a Schitt Yggdrasil and it's pretty awesome   
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?
Velodyne DD15 is a badass sub, I had a 12 and a 10 and they are subterranean and clean... that DD15 was like $2500-$3000 back then which is like $5000 today... I say fix it, there ain't no sub out now at $500 or even $1500 that can compare, that s... 
I am streaming , how can I play music when provider goes down.
I use a Aurender with a 2TB SSD and have like 500 CS on it, I can listen to that if my Internet goes out. Or get starlink  
Speaker cable recommendations
I used to run Wireworld Equinox Shotgun Biwire, I also had Acoustic Zen Satori, then I went to Audience AU24... the best and least expensive and what I am running today are Anti-Cables... I've been through a couple iterations, and upgraded to the... 
I'm going to buy my first tube amp. I need honest blunt opinions
Look at Margules Audio, I've heard them twice at the hifi shows and they always sound so great, look really beautiful with wood panels and copper plates, really great looking and have such great bass.... And made in Mexico of all places, never eve... 
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Owned - Wireworld Equinox 5 Shotgun biwire - Acoustic Zen Satori - Audience AU24 - Anticables 3.1   Currently Running Anticables 4.2 Flex... best of all of the above by a good margin and very affordable, I'm a huge fan although my interconne... 
What are my options for music files, CD rips, and a DAC all-in-one solution?
This is easy, get a Aurender A30... It has everything you want and more, 10TB hard drive, excellent DAC, internet streaming, disc ripping all in one box... I have the entry level Aurender N150 which only has a USB audio out, internet streaming, an... 
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
Obviously power cords make a HUGE difference, I love my Acoustic Zen Krakatoas... and like 95% of "conspiracy theories" they all turn out to be true, they should be called spoiler alerts... so yes, your very title is confirmation that power cords ... 
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
While you are right, modern corporate "country" is horrible garbage and a insult to ear drums, it isn't the worst, that goes to reggaeton which could be used to torture people