
Responses from frogman

Jazz for aficionados
You are welcome.Funny video, btw. 
Jazz for aficionados
Re Gregorian Chant (plainchant): monophonic. One single moving melodic line; no harmony.It may come as a surprise to learn that there is an important similarity to jazz. No kidding! It has been asked a few times on this thread what exactly "modal"... 
Jazz for aficionados
You're just a sucker for a pretty face :-)Agree about Take 6. Their first album was killer and nothing after was as good; a shame given their amazing talent. 
Jazz for aficionados
O-10, great to see (read) you posting again. This is one of the most talented acapella vocal groups around. Most of their material is of a religious nature and their arrangements are extremely sophisticated with very tight harmonies and an almost ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Sounds like a great book, and I commend you for your passion and interest in the art. I agree with all that is stated in those quotes. I would only point out that art is, in fact, linear in the sense that what came before influences what will foll... 
Jazz for aficionados
****I am currently reading a book about how classical music reflected the times and society in which it was written.****Rok, I seem to recall having a rather heated exchange with you after I wrote those words in a post almost verbatim; actually, m... 
Jazz for aficionados
Glad you guys enjoyed it. Acman3, I agree; the subtlety in his playing just keeps coming the more you listen.Rok, WBGO is one of the treasures of the tri-state area. It's been broadcasting for quite a while and is probably the best of, sadly, only... 
Jazz for aficionados
Very first sounds I heard today when I woke up to this on WBGO this morning. What a way to start the day! There's groove and then there's GROOVE. 
Jazz for aficionados
No, you're not. That was beautiful. I especially liked "Motherless Child". Lovely blend and intonation. Thanks, O-10. 
Jazz for aficionados
****comments like this just encourage him.****I don't think he needs encouragement, nor do I want to take on that role, but I think that kind of perspective is sorely missing in these discussions.****you should always carry a card with the phone n... 
Jazz for aficionados
Eloquently and beautifully stated. Rok, your comments surprise me given your deep appreciation for music and musicians.****Ask the average working person in this country********Many / most people, work all their lives perfecting or improving their... 
Jazz for aficionados
Thank you, Schubert! 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
I was referring to the Yorx comment. The right fuse could make that Yorx of yours sound like a Krell; but make sure you try it both ways.Cheers. 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Well, that explains a lot :-) 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Rok, I continue to marvel at how you and I can, in fact, agree :-)**** The Naive, should not be protected, they should be informed.****I tend to agree, but informed about all perspectives, not just the one that happens to coincide with our own.***...