
Responses from frogman

Jazz for aficionados
Sorry for the typos: due=cue , baron=baton, musician vision=musical vision. How the hell does one disengage the spell checker on an IPad?BTW, you see Rok, we CAN agree; Barenboim picks great tempos :-) That is a great Bolero. 
Jazz for aficionados
Just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to Learsfool's excellent comments about conductors; which I agree with. The nuances of the issue may be lost on those who don't have personal experience in this area. Lest anyone misunderstand, there ARE fin... 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
Clint505, apologies for the irrelevant silliness. Now, to answer your and Chris' question: personally (and cheapskate that I am) I would probably be willing to pay around $2000 for that table simply to experience the benefits of Lp centering; with... 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
Rpeluso, kindly explain how it is that my referring to that music as not particular serious is any more of a "transgression" (!!!!) than you referring to me as a "snob". "Putdown" ? C'mon man, lighten up. I don't know the person who posted that vi... 
Interesting analog experience
The best test would be: do what you did on two separate occasions; once with the cd playing and the other time with the LP actually playing. Use a recording of great music that you have on both cd and LP; you have to have a table with food in the ... 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
Re price: And this is for the TX-1000's LITTLE BROTHER which I believe sold for about $3000 vs around $7000 (don't quote me). Wow! 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
Thanks, Chris; much better :-) 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
No sense of humor-ism. 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
Told you the coffee hadn't kicked in. Sorry I wasn't clear. I was not referring to the quality of the sound (can't have high expectations of Youtube); I was expecting music a little more, well.... serious, to come out of such a serious looking mac... 
Linear tracking tonearms.....
This is what you want :-) (no affiliation with seller) 
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable
Thanks for the link, Chris. Maybe the coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but somehow, when the stylus hit the groove, that was not the music I expected to hear come out of an awesome machine like that. Even more awesome tonearm. 
Chuck Mangione - Feels so Good
I just found that the link I provided does not work; sorry. Here it is again: 
Jazz for aficionados
You are always welcome to ask questions and I would be glad to answer if I can. It's a particularly busy time work wise right now, so my responses may be a bit slow. 
Jazz for aficionados
****He should rank at the top of Jazz composers. Right up there with Ellington.****You're in good company.Gunther Schuller on Mingus' "Epitaph": "a musical summary of one of the great jazz composers of the century"****How does he do that?****You m... 
Jazz for aficionados
Of course, it should be Adolphe, not Adolf; hate this spell checker.