Responses from frogman
Jazz for aficionados Sorry for the typos: due=cue , baron=baton, musician vision=musical vision. How the hell does one disengage the spell checker on an IPad?BTW, you see Rok, we CAN agree; Barenboim picks great tempos :-) That is a great Bolero. | |
Jazz for aficionados Just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to Learsfool's excellent comments about conductors; which I agree with. The nuances of the issue may be lost on those who don't have personal experience in this area. Lest anyone misunderstand, there ARE fin... | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable Clint505, apologies for the irrelevant silliness. Now, to answer your and Chris' question: personally (and cheapskate that I am) I would probably be willing to pay around $2000 for that table simply to experience the benefits of Lp centering; with... | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable Rpeluso, kindly explain how it is that my referring to that music as not particular serious is any more of a "transgression" (!!!!) than you referring to me as a "snob". "Putdown" ? C'mon man, lighten up. I don't know the person who posted that vi... | |
Interesting analog experience The best test would be: do what you did on two separate occasions; once with the cd playing and the other time with the LP actually playing. Use a recording of great music that you have on both cd and LP; you have to have a table with food in the ... | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable Re price: And this is for the TX-1000's LITTLE BROTHER which I believe sold for about $3000 vs around $7000 (don't quote me). Wow! | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable Thanks, Chris; much better :-) | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable No sense of humor-ism. | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable Told you the coffee hadn't kicked in. Sorry I wasn't clear. I was not referring to the quality of the sound (can't have high expectations of Youtube); I was expecting music a little more, well.... serious, to come out of such a serious looking mac... | |
Linear tracking tonearms..... This is what you want :-) (no affiliation with seller) | |
Nakamichi TX 1000 turntable Thanks for the link, Chris. Maybe the coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but somehow, when the stylus hit the groove, that was not the music I expected to hear come out of an awesome machine like that. Even more awesome tonearm. | |
Chuck Mangione - Feels so Good I just found that the link I provided does not work; sorry. Here it is again: | |
Jazz for aficionados You are always welcome to ask questions and I would be glad to answer if I can. It's a particularly busy time work wise right now, so my responses may be a bit slow. | |
Jazz for aficionados ****He should rank at the top of Jazz composers. Right up there with Ellington.****You're in good company.Gunther Schuller on Mingus' "Epitaph": "a musical summary of one of the great jazz composers of the century"****How does he do that?****You m... | |
Jazz for aficionados Of course, it should be Adolphe, not Adolf; hate this spell checker. |