
Responses from frogman

Wharfdale Diamond - Pleb Audiophile speaker?
I think you already know the answer. Trust your ears! 
Best single-malt Scotch...
I am reminded of the time I took my six year old son to The Big Apple Circus. We had a wonderful time and the kid was bursting with excitement. Afterwards, as we left the arena, the attendees were confronted by PETA activists yelling at us and sho... 
How big is your matrix - how we bias or enjoyment.
****Well, I've heard that a bunch of times. I don't buy the, "I'm a (fill in the blank) so I'm better than you at 'right' ". That's about as bias as you get.****Rower, I think that if you read my comments again you will note that I made it clear t... 
How big is your matrix - how we bias or enjoyment.
****the issue is the unreliability of sense perception.if two people go to a concert sitting next to each other, and the concert is some point in time, say one of them purchases the cd.both concert goers listen to the cd of the concert... 
How big is your matrix - how we bias or enjoyment.
Mrtennis, I don't subscribe to the idea that you frequently present re the necessary separation of perception and knowledge. I believe your argument is flawed:****you overlook variations in perception--the physiology of the nervous system.two peop... 
Speaker Cable Advice Needed
Recommendations, without being able to hear the system nor really knowing what the person asking likes and doesn't, are always tough and of limited use. I like to read between the lines. If you had written: "the Aragon just blew the Adcom away" or... 
Genius of Ray Charles on SACD
Jafant, has the distortion on the vocals and other high level passages that I hear on both my LP and CD versions been fixed? Or is this what you refer to as "a bit hot"? I used to think that is was a bad LP pressing until I got the CD version only... 
How big is your matrix - how we bias or enjoyment.
**** Let’s buy a car in 2000. ANY car is a vastly superior car than in the past****Really? I would reconsider that assertion.****There is no right in audio. I know, you hate me saying that, but there isn’t.****Please reconsider that one too.You ma... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Thanks for the update, Mark. Keep us up to date. 
ps audio p500
Both ZD and Elizabeth are correct. I use a P500 with great results. But...The P500 has two completely different banks of outlets. One bank of four outlets supplies regenerated AC. I use these for my phono pre, CD player and turntable controller. T... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Hi Chris, a follow-up on a project that I mentioned a few months ago I would be attempting. I have procured a small piece of cocobolo from a musical instrument (clarinet) maker friend, from which I plan on constructing (with his help) a "mount" fo... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Should we tell him? ;-) 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
****No idea how Dover and I got involved in this 'wrong thread'****Perhaps because somewhere in the subconscious there is a pequena voice saying that no one person(a) has all the answers in this wild hobby. And, that in spite of hero worship, the ... 
Need recommendations for a Cartridge under $2K
How about a little more info for a truly useful rec. What do you like, and don't like, about your current cart? If you could wave a magic wand while listening and change the sound of your analog rig, how would you change it? 
Dac or Crossover
I don't know your CD player nor have any idea what DAC you are considering; but, something to think about:If you are not happy with your CD player, upgraded speaker xovers will let you hear any problems it has that much better. My approach is usua...