
Responses from frogman

Tonearm wire selection
I second the vote for Discovery wire. I used it to rewire my ET2 with excellent results. I have also used the Vandenhul, Cardas, and currently the Audinote wire. Yes, I have rewired the ET2 three times over the years (!). The vdH and Cardas wires ... 
What is the Audiogon of music instruments?
Gdoodle: "Musicians are WORSE than audiophiles - since most of'em usually have no money they will gladly trade in daddy's old guitar just to buy the latest thing"I would respectfully suggest that while that may have been your own personal experien... 
Any smooth jazz fans out there?
Duane, thanks for clarifying, and for the info/examples. I have no doubt that once we get past the vagaries of the printed word, there is far more agreement than disagreement here.Peace.BTW, to this day, some of my favorite work by Liebman is from... 
Any smooth jazz fans out there?
I can see that further discussion about the need for a certain amount of respect and decorum are probably pointless. Too bad. But I stand by my comments re the inappropriateness, on this forum, of calling someone else's musical taste crap. I don't... 
Any smooth jazz fans out there?
IMO, the real crap is the music elitism demonstrated by some of the posters. To denigrate someone's musical tastes by calling it crap is uncalled for; all issues of freedom of expression aside. I think some of you guys owe the OP an apology. A cou... 
Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix
To the individual who just could not resist bringing politics into this, otherwise, great thread:Isn't it interesting, and thought provoking, that the very state (or citizens of that state) which is now being accused of intolerance, finds it withi... 
Tube Integragrated w/ Phono
Try a vintage Scott integrated. Very sweet sounding, great phono stage, and very cool looking, if you like the retro look. Mapleshade sells refurbished/upgraded units that sound fantastic, but original sound great too. I own two, and they sound mo... 
Rega 700 rewire
Can't advise you re the hum issue, but be carefull re the Grado's output and the EAR. If your Grado's output is .5mv, you will have a problem with the EAR's 500 ohm input impedance in MC mode. If you have the 5mv version of the cartridge you are O... 
Rega 700 rewire
Where does Rega mention that the wiring in the rb-700 is improved over the models lower in the line? According to the Rega website, in their description of the tonearms, only the rb-1000 is mentioned as having improved wiring.I have to respectfull... 
Rega 700 rewire
As far as I can tell, the 700 uses the same wiring as the models lower in the line. Thus, would benefit from higher quality wiring. 
Strange phenomona this hobby.
Stevecham, I couldn't agree with everything you say more. But, using the absolute sound as a reference does not necessarily mean being on an endless, and neurotic churning of equipment, in the quest of an absolute. It simply means familiarizing on... 
Inactive audio members that you miss
Sdcampbell. Where are you? Great contributions on the reason that we all do this crazy audio stuff: music. His thoughtful, and measured (no pun intended) posts and recommendations on jazz were always terrific. 
Rega 700 rewire
I agree with Raul. I have rewired my ET2 three times over the years; cartridge clips to phono input jacks, in one continuous run. The Cardas is good, but to my ears considerably behind the Discovery and the Audionote. The Audionote is what I used ... 
Strange phenomona this hobby.
Mepearson, I'm glad you like it. It really is, as you say, a great sounding record; not to mention, great music. There are a lot of vinyl gems out there for little money. For something different, try Phoebe Snow's self-titled first album. Phil Ram... 
quad 57 vs vandersteen for low volume listening
I use a pair of Manley 200/100 mono's, and they drive the Stax very well; even in triode (100W) mode. That (100 GOOD watts) would probably be a bare minimum. I also own, and have tried a pair of the Meitner 100W ss mono's, and they do a surprising...