Responses from gabriel123
System advice @soix PA is short form of power amplifier, I saw it in Ayon Audio so I thought it's in common use. Sorry for that! Octave RE 320 provides, based on the documentation: "maximum output power of approx. 2 x 130 W with two tubes in push-pull mode. Th... | |
System advice After I changed the source from Naim CD XS to Lampizator Poseidon there is no sign of the brightness, even bass is just fine right now somehow. I really like what Lampi does to the sound and I would like to add more of that magic to new amp. A pin... | |
System advice Thanks @soix. As always I highly appreciate your support! Currently Lampi Poseidon works as a PRE too. I also borrowed Auralic S1 streamer. So I suppose the old Arcam PA is indeed the weakest link. Any recommendations for a power amp? | |
System advice I must admit that, for now, I’m enchanted by the sound when listening to classical music, jazz, vocals, and even electronic music through the Poseidon—it’s very good. However, when it comes to rock, it’s quite poor; the sound becomes flat and chao... | |
System advice Small update: I was listening to the music all the evening using Lampizator Baltic 4 and Poseidon. While Baltic was just fine, Poseidon was awesome. It's hard to describe what was so special about it, but we listened with a couple of friends a... | |
System advice I ordered Lampizator DAC Baltic & Poseidon for testing. The factory is near me, so I will have them tomorrow for about a week. It will be great to see the difference between one of the cheapest and one of the most expensive models! Anyway, it ... | |
System advice I’m having Pulsars for a couple of days. Great resolution, plenty of details, clear and accurate sound, a little on a bright side though. I’m satisfied with the purchase and I think the speakers are the best point to start a process of upgrading t... | |
System advice Thanks, great to hear that. In the back of my mind I know that I probably should start with buying a power amp and then match a right dac / preamp to it. But buying a Lampi with a preamp right now would give me a chance to enjoy the music using ... | |
System advice Update :) JP Pulsars will be delivered in a week. I’ve got them on a reduced price because of no grilles. The grilles I will order directly from JP. I talked to Jeff, great guy. It's really tempting me now to complete my audio equipment: orde... | |
System advice Thanks, you helped a lot. I've sent a message to JP asking about price and possibility of buying these grills, but I guess I won't get any reply soon enough :) | |
System advice I found Pulsar 1 for about 4300 USD but without front covers/grill. Also found Pulsar 2 for for about 6600 USD with front covers and guarantee till 2027. Damn! | |
System advice @soix I've read today a lot of rave reviews about JP that make me want to buy them. Is there a huge difference between Pulsar 1 and Pulsar 2 Graphene? I wonder how much costs to upgrade from 1 to 2... I'm also wondering if those speakers will b... | |
System advice @soix thanks! I'm just just starting reading about those speakers. I have to check the availability in Europe, because shipping from the US would cost me an arm and a leg :) Btw. may I ask if you're a fan ot Joseph Audio Pulsar and if you agree w... | |
System advice UPDATE! I had today a listening session at audio shop. I took my friend with me to compare the feelings. I had my piece of the equipment - Monitor Audio Platinum PL II speakers and XLO Signature 2 cables. We tried them against Ayon Crossfire III ... | |
System advice @soix I'm not 100% sure if I know what I like. I know what I DON'T like: cold and sterile sound. Otherwise, I prefer everything what's good - dynamics. resolution, realism, wide sound stage, good bass, great midrange and a bit of sweetness and war... |