
Responses from garebear

Anyone hear Robert Plant's new release, Carry Fire?
gpgr4blu - I agree with you that when Daniel Lanois is behind the boards that the result has at times been simply amazing. The records / discs that you noted are definitely on my desert island list. I bought Emily Lou Harris's disc years ago and l... 
Cardas vs. Cardas
Chayro - not really sure what your comment has to do with the OP's question. Look under ; Cables as there are many posts and responses to your point that will never be answered although many self professed experts have tirelessly tired to push the... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Al ! .....I know you want to wait before you respond but I got about 80 hours on mine and a slight step up from the Clear Beyond as can be and should be expected. The XL continues to remain neutral but maintains the musical side of what's pl... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello.....has anybody received their Cardas Clear Beyond XL Power Cord ? Mine is expected to arrive on 02/28/18. Just checking in.    
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Jafant....thank you and I hope all is well. Ohhhhh I am not good at that my friend and I will leave any reviews for the professionals as I am here just for the music. I like keeping it simple. I do expect these to be really good. I have owne... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Biggy........thank you for your response and you didn't bother me at all so you can sleep well tonight. My questions were not meant to cause you any problems. I was just wondering as you were referencing the Cardas Clear Beyond XL power cord... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Biggy ....not sure where you are coming up with all of these observations. You had noted in your experience ; '' Beyond interconnects require Beyond XL Power '' .... Cardas hasn't shipped the Beyond XL's so let me know on that one. Also not ... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hello Al.....nice to hear from you and I hope all is well these days. I must say that I am surprised that there has been little to almost no information on what will be Cardas's most expensive power cord to date. I have spoken with a few dealer's ... 
Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?
Okay I will admit the '' street walker '' comment may have been a little too strong, but she is still talentless.      
Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?
I watched it as back ground '' noise '' while painting a bathroom. I just peeked out shook my head and couldn't help but think ; what garbage. Jaz J and Beyonce  - really. The talentless street walker was said to be wearing ; $6.8 worth of jewelry... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
I have '' heard '' that the Clear Beyond XL Power Cords will be out in the next few weeks. Has anybody had the chance to audition them yet ?    
Dave's Picks 25
I will answer my own thread ....Dave's Picks #25 will be shipped on 01/23/18. I long for the days when you could call the GD headquarters In San Rafael and talk to someone who spoke English if you had a question or wanted to order something.......... 
Springsteen on Broadway
Great songwriter doubt but still beats the drum of being of and for ; '' The Common Man '' .......yeah right he is one of the 1% er's and also takes a cut from the Stub Hub scum scalpers. He has worked hard for what he has but he is also t... 
Dave's Picks 25
Hello and a quick question ......I am and have been a subscriber to Dave's Picks ( as well as  Dick's Picks ) and I just saw a memo from GD on DP's #26 ......did I miss something as I never got DP #25 ? Jafant  1972 is may favorite CD year / time ... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
Wow ......wasn't this the same guy who high-jacked everybody's power cables threads here on Audiogon to shout from the top of the mountain that Purist Audio makes the best power cables on the planet. I will agree that Jim Aud makes some very good ...