Responses from garyjames
Integrated with Phono Stage under $10K I went from a stingray to an audio note soro. there is a model with a phono stage but i did not need it so cannot speak to that. overall the soro was quite and improvement on the stingray, particularly with the right tubes.good luck | |
Outstanding Recordings Of Redbook CD's look at m+a recordings. there is a description of how and where each was recorded | |
Best 3 tube preamps under $18000? from reading reviews, i would think that vacuum state may belong on the list. | |
Tube integrated amp recommendations? the speakers you are looking at are not very efficient so you need to be careful that any tube amp you get has enough power. if you want to try out tube options, you might want to consider a more efficient speaker. | |
Need advice on next step at deja vu, ask them to turn on some of the vintage western electric stuff. you seem to like tube stuff. pretty cool and you will not hear it anywhere else (but think second mortgage in terms of cost) | |
Need advice on next step head over to deja vu audio in mclean va. nice people and no pressure and lots of interesting stuff at all price levels. | |
Help with speaker choice If you are willing to buy used and interested in silverline, there are a pair of bolero used for sale now (not mine) well within your price range. much more speaker than the sonatina and match your criteria well. easy to drive and look great. fwii... | |
My findings on Magico V2.....what now? If you liked the fairly inexpensive audio note set, maybe you should go here an audio note set up that matches the price of the soulution electronics and magico speakers you heard. get a sense of the possibilities down that different path | |
Speakers with Lamm ML2.1 For efficient speakers you may want to consider silverline audio. the bolero or la folia should be fine with 18 wpc. the bolero are fine for a mid-sized room. never heard with the lamm though. there were a couple of positive mentions of the silver... | |
Speakes for SET amp Hi. I use silverline bolero with 2a3 push pull (not set, but less power than your 211 probably). lots of bass and fabulous highs. they have changed the newer models somewhat and suggest at least 10 watts (bolero supreme, not the new grand bolero w... | |
What power cord should I get for my front end? the flavor 4 is a good choice in your budget range. i used the flavor 4 with the furutech gold terminations with a tube dac and a tube integrated and liked them. if you can spend a little more, the kaplan he provides more presence and body than th... | |
Solid Silver rca's for tube amps I have really enjoyed ridge street cables and audio note cables with my tube preamp and amps (disclosure -- i am selling some ridge street interconnects at the moment). neither is particularly cheap, but they are solid choices that you can keep as... | |
Lost that "Tube Magic". Can you help? there is an audio note soro for auction, not sub 1K but a nice tubed integrated. i had one, and if you change out the stock tubes it has a really nice sound -- clean but the midrange is very compelling for the $$ | |
Rowland Capri Preamp Markwatkiss, can you say what your current preamp is? thanksgary | |
2-ways that are close to 3-ways you might want to think about audio note speakers. there are several available used now. |