

Responses from gawdbless

Music Streamer Quality
here is an Interesting article by John Darko.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJIj0Acq99oI would say the Sotm sMS 200 non ultra would be better than the Aries Mini, not heard the SotM 200,  but judging by the distance the Sotm Ultra beats the Aries... 
Any Tekton users in UK???
@mofojo-Tea with salt? you should try it sometime,lol 
Have you ever wondered why speaker manufactures do not consign speakers to dealers?
@Larry5729,You could join the Colorado Audio Society (CAS). Its full of like minded audio folk with many fine systems to hear when they have meets at various members' houses.   
Any Tekton users in UK???
Heard two pairs of Tektons a couple of years back D1? and one that looked like half of the D1. To my ears they are like the drinking the Queen's brew with salt in it.  
How do you properly set up a horn speaker
My Oris 150's sound best close to/up against a rear wall, in the corners toed in, to my ears anyhow. My Oris 150's stomps on my Klipschorns with a heavy boot to. 
New $24,000 inter-connect
@glupson. thanks for the ebay link showing the crazy vhs price for beauty and the beast. I have a box full of old vhs movies including the beauty and the beast in boxes under my staircase. New speakers!! lol 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@gosta-Depends on your golden ears. Takes a lot of experience.eh? 
Can Streamed Music Sound Better than any other source?
@jim204,The BBC should broadcast at the highest quality  as they receive approx 3.7 billion pounds sterling a year from the good burgers in the UK, EVERY year. A friend of mine worked in accounting a few years back at the beeb, and he told they sp... 
Does this image give you claustrophobia?
A slight 'case' of over bombing.  
Nakamichi Cassette Decks
There is a Nak Dragon for sale near me, he wants $1600, it has been for sold for at least a month or so. They are bit like (to me) the HD V-Rod motorcycle, great to look at, but nothing else. I have a Nak DR-3 tucked away in a far off country.How ... 
New Bluesound's Node 2i
What Hi-Fi has always been regarded as a comic in the UK by audiophiles,. And that has not changed.  
DIY - Two kits using similar tweeter to Tekton
now here is a kit......https://www.hificollective.co.uk/kits/speakerhome.html 
Music Hall Turntable USB-1 : Opinions Please
I thought the USB-1 came with an AT cartridge? Not sure why anyone would be negative about a turntable that is so cheap. I use mine to play vinyl that I buy from thrift Stores only. As an almost  entry turntable the sound is very acceptable and fu... 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
Perhaps we should members of Shark Tank to come on board and say they are 'in', instead of 'I am out'......... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
yes, I will have to buy a volti crossover to use the BMS mid range cone. Which are about $1300 approx for the pair. I have been talking to a chap who has gone the whole 9 yards with Volti upgrades and he says its absolutely worth the expense.