
Responses from gbmcleod

Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?
Tbg:You are just TOO rich for me, man! (Laughing). I would rather stick with the SS and be able to complement the whole system than have to buy one Ultra 5 at a time. I had to return the last set of Ultra Minis because of Bruce's "proclamation" th... 
Break In Time for Nordost Norse 2 lines
Stereo, it sounds as though you're not familiar with Nordost's line. It is in nearly every review of them that their break-in time is extensive. It has rarely been my experience that a cable that doesn't sound good when you insert it in to the sys... 
Nordost Norse 2 series vs Shunyata zitron
I have the Frey 2 and the Tyr 2. I also have Shunyata speaker cable, power cords, and Nordost power cords. And I had, for a short time, Shunyata's Zi-Tron Cobra (to match my power and speaker cables).They are both excellent cables, but are you spe... 
Why so many cut Nordost Odins?
It is EXTREMELY unwise to buy a cut Nordost cable. I say this as someone who has HAD a cut cable. Nordost is one state away from me in Massachusetts. I sent my Valhalla in and had Paul look at it. "Too short" he said. Nordost doesn't recomment sho... 
Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?
I would suggest putting them under the line conditioner, after one has placed them under the speakers, although the mini risers do just fine under a line conditioner (assuming it's not over 50 pounds, per Bruce at Stillpoints. He says they are jus... 
Stillpoint Ultra Minis
One thing I have found about the Ultra Minis is that they actually work better if you use four of them instead of three. (I didn't want to believe Roy Gregory, but empirical experience proved me wrong.)One of my amps was being repaired and I put t... 
any reviews Nordost norse 2 lineup?
P.S. I was idly looking on eBay tonight, just to pass the time and someone was selling a one meter length of Tyr 2. Based on the performance of the Freys, I bought them on the spot. I can have them checked by Nordost to make sure they're the real ... 
any reviews Nordost norse 2 lineup?
I have the Frey 2 interconnects. I had intended to buy a 1 meter length, but then considered I might want to put my amps behind the speakers, so I opted for the 2 meter length.As I have said in another thread, the Frey 2 is a very, very significan... 
Sweet spot in the Shunyata power cords line up ?
I myself would suggest not going lower than the Cobra. I tried the VTX cords and they were decent, but while it can give you the Shunyata sound, it will be less obvious how good the line is that if you go with a Cobra Zi-Tron, or Python Zi-Tron, b... 
Nordost Norse2 series
Frey 2 is not REMOTELY as lightweight-sounding as Frey 1. I've had both (still have the Frey 2 (interconnect, not speaker cable) and it is easily as solid as Tyr. Instuments are grounded, not ghostly. I imagine this is a function of Nordost fillin... 
Min room size for Wilson Audio Sophia or WP8
P.S. I've had tube traps since 1987, and I assure you, what you've read about the room being too small (late as my response is to your original post) is wrong.What's more likely is setting the speakers up at the absolute optimum of the room. And t... 
Min room size for Wilson Audio Sophia or WP8
If you are able to make any changes in the room by adding (record) bookcases on one of the 14' lengths, the room should "see" itself as 13' x 14' x 8'. That could be helpful. As far as the speakers, I had WATTS from '86 to '93. Unless you have a c... 
Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cables
I should point out the Nordost of that time was the SPMs. And, just to see if I could remember which issue it was (and I could), it was issue 113.Aside from that, I also had for review, the copper wire, which I found to be quite, quite good. As I ... 
Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cables
You might want to read a review of the AG 2s I did back in 2005 for ultraaudio, a webzine.I owned, simultaneously, the Alpha Core and the Valhalla (both interconnect and speaker cables) and found them nearly (not completely) indistinguishable.Inte... 
Synergistic Research Tesla Plex SE V Furutech GTX
I have the Maestro, Tesaplex and Teslaplex SE and had the Oyaide R1. I found the Maestro very good, but recessed, without the low level resolution of the Furutech. Oyaide sounds great initially, but moves the soundstage forward, foreshortens depth...