Responses from genesis168
Shun Mook Ultra Diamond Resonators Just got my UDR's. They sound fabulous. I have never heard any feet sound so good. They just clean things up and make everything so natural.I have not tried the Harmonix feet but have used their record weight. I have since sold it and replaced it ... | |
Best head amp of the market ? Klyne used to make one was it the SK 2A?? If you can find, the Classe NIL is an excellent sounding unit too. That's if you want to go active. There are also lots of good sounding Step up transformers if you don't mind the passive route. | |
If you started over what would you do differently? If I were to start over, I would be able to retire and drive some hot wheels! I have nobody but only my family to blame for. Started at a very young age. Anyway it has been a cool 25+ yrs in high end not regrets. | |
Harmonics TU-800 EX Turntable mat. I have to add that the Boston Mat1 is also a very good mat. It is extremely quiet. It takes away some of the harshness as well as some detail. That is my only complain with it.Comparing it to the Harmonix, you will find the Boston to be bloated, m... | |
Harmonics TU-800 EX Turntable mat. I had both the Harmonix and Boston and I preferred the Harmonix to the Boston Mat1 by a wide margin. YMMV | |
Harmonics TU-800 EX Turntable mat. The 1mm version is the older version. The new version TU800 EXi is a stiffer 3mm version that fixed the problems associated with the 1mm version. This is an amazing sounding mat. I have it and it is worth the $ you spend. The sound is full with ha... | |
Michell Gyro SE upgrade to Orbe clamp? From my experiences, if you push/tighten it really tight, it will kill the soundstage and overdamp the sound. Most people tighten it till no tomorrow. You will lose detail and it will kill the soundstage. Try very lightly tightening it. You might ... | |
High level MC or step up? My vote is for a good SUT. Stay away from cheap ones else you'd be better with a good active stage. | |
Which TT will take me to the next level Yo need a good platform for the turntable to sit on. Butcher blocks made from Canadian hard maple will do the trick. Make sure it is at least 3" thick. You can remove the platter mat and replace it with the SDS Isoplat, Boston Mat 1 or better yet,... | |
Buying from Canada a hassle for you too? Guys, If you ship across the boarder next time, please note on the courier waybill under the column "DUTIES" "bill customs duties to" You will have 2 choices:A. SenderB. ReceiverPls check RECEIVER and you will not be responsible for the duties. Le... | |
the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ? I just installed the RS Labs RS3 rotating headshell on my Dynavector arm. Results are very promising. the headshell is not hard to use like the arm and comes with a usable arm lift. The sound is very airy and "natural" with excellent ebb and flow.... | |
Isoclean power bars I am familiar with Isoclean products but with the bars you mentioned. If you'll be using them for Digital, get the one with the filter. For amps, use the one without the filter.I tried the bigger ones 60A3 and they do very well with digital compon... | |
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik Thanks Raul, you always deliver! What are should be best used with it? Can it go well with my DV507?Thanks! | |
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik Hi Raul, do you have any experience with an Audio Technica AT-24 cartridge? Just got one and it looks very well made. All I found is it tracks at 0.8-1.5g which is quite low. Thanks in advance. | |
How does the Technics SL 1200 compare with.... I have to totally disagree. The Technics 1200 in many ways better sounding than the rega P3. Ask many who had done comparisons and they will agree. I myself speak from first hand experience.Pls remember, the 1200 is only a fraction of the price of... |