Responses from ghosthouse
Anyone Tried TUNG-SOL EL34 REISSUES? Drrsutliff - Looking to upgrade some stock Chinese EL 34s, myself. Are you still using the SED "Winged Cs"? Improvements to air and soundstage are what I'm mainly looking for. Thanks in advance for your reply. | |
What are you using to clean plasma screen? Check this out: | |
Need help finding cause of hum Al, Thanks. I will look into shorting plugs. Dan, Hope you figure out what is going on with your system. In my case, the hum is there with the input on amp switched to CDP. I also hear it with the input at position 2 which is not occupied by any s... | |
Need help finding cause of hum Al - Thanks for your reply. A lot to digest, but I'm thinking a ground loop isn't the cause. Wouldn't that cause hum in both channels? and at a higher volume? ALSO - I can hear the hum with only amp and speakers connected - no sources connected to... | |
HELP - I Weird Hum or FeedBack Problem Having hum issues myself - but minor, I think, compared to yours. Are you running any kind of ground from the TT? Have you checked this ground connection?...also the effects of disconnecting it? | |
Best current EL34 tubes I own a hybrid that right now has stock Chinese EL34s. I would like to upgrade. To that end, I found this post but I'd like to ask about the intent of Mrtennis 5-13-08 post. Not trying to be a provocateur but is that sarcasm? irony? The qualities ... | |
Need help finding cause of hum Thanks to everyone for your comments.Yes, Sid. I was wondering about some weird magnetic field -- but affecting only the right channel? I think I'd have noticed this before as nothing in the house has changed and I've been in close proximity to bo... | |
Best Live Recording on LP re my Dylan post and this one, no way I can say either of these are the "best" live recordings on LP...but, to me, definitely worth owning in almost any formatThe Doors, "Absolutely Live". | |
Best Live Recording on LP Haven't heard the vinyl version of Dylan's "Bootleg Series Vol. 5 Bob Dylan 1975 The Rolling Thunder Revue" but the CD version is electrifying. There is a vinyl version. Can't imagine it would lose any of the electricity of the CD.http://www.vinyl... | |
Animated Movies I second, "Fantastic Planet". I'd also recommend a Jules Verne-based piece from the '60s. Not conventional animation, also sort of a collage from various Jules Verne stories/novesl. Sorry I can't remember the name ("The Amazing World of Jules Vern... | |
You can't have too many apostrophe's I didn't bother to read the full OP or thread before I posted...are you asking about the possibility of owning too many copies of Frank Zappa's recording entitled, "Apostrophe"?;-) | |
best vocal harmonies in rock Hall & Oates | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Van Morrison - "Hard Nose the Highway" | |
Excellent support from Cambridge Audio Great to hear positive stuff like this! Kudos to Cambridge Audio. Thanks for posting. | |
Phono pre recommendations for Technics SL1210M5G Thanks Tvad and Edo -Tvad, your favorable comments in a past post are the reason I picked up the Lehman. I bought one used here on A'gon and while it wasn't an SE it was certainly a step up from the NAD PP-1 I had. I'll definitely put a Heed Quasa... |