

Responses from gillatgh

Do You Care About AESTHETICS? What Are Your Gear/Listening Room Preferences?...
I definitely require both, aesthetics and sound along with a visually pleasing listening environment.  The sound of the equipment certainly takes priority over its looks. I am not fond of unpleasant sound or vision. 
TV gives me a headache when its on; any suggestions?
Tried turning it off? But seriously try a seperates outlet, better yet just Cleese your eyes and let the music take you away 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Wow, this is a great thread and an astonishing read.Everything in here is factual. To add my pennies worth 18 years after the inception of this thread I may be a little late in the game. FWIW here are my experiences. I started my audiophile journe... 
What was the first system you heard that made you think the high end made sense
Actually when I put together my first seperates, all adcom, amps, cd, processr and Polk srs sda 3.1TL. 1984 man I was in heaven. Since then I've come a long way and invested way too much in trial and error. Only remaining pieces are the Polk in my... 
Strange sounds coming from my speakers.
Happens to me all the time, not just me but guests too. Wasted much energy getting on my feet to check the door or the kitchen, garage etc. I really hate it when I'm jamming and a guest says I think there was a knock on the door or they turn their... 
Vintage automatic turntable recommendations?
70s Sony PS4300 fully auto, speed adjustable,  no buttons, heat sensor activation and sounds good too. 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
Vintage 1976 Sony PS4300 TT, been in every system I have owned since then. Still in mint condition and plays like new. Never gave any problems other than worn out stylus and cartriges. There may be better out there but not that old and cost effect... 
How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?
Mr m, thank you for your input. It's good to hear you are also satisfied with the Pharaoh. Since I had no knowledge of tube equipment and reading up I decided that it was my best choice for entering this realm. I happen to very much agree with you... 
Can anyone recommend a great tube preamp that also has a headphone out?
Check into the Rogue Pharaoh,  it's probably got all you ask for and more. Has a great headphone out! IMO. it's right in your budget brand new. 
How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?
Thank you all for your replies to my inquiries.  I love the forums as it provides a very diverse environment and opinions. I am learning a lot on my new tube endeavor. Thanks for enlightening me on my "plate" question. Thanks for your suggestions.... 
How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?
Just purchased a Rogue Pharaoh integrated and am not familiar with tube jargon but read that "rolling" tube can be fun experiment if you know what you're doing.  
No one that's been bitten by the audio nirvana bug is ever completely satisfied. Temporarily yes, but never forever. There is always that "new" piece to try, that tweak everyone is raving about, that cable that touts ecstacy.  It never truly ends.... 
How expensive are best NOS tubes ? And how difficult to find ?
Very new to this game, just purchased my first tube pre amp. Been ss forever. My question is, what is the difference in plates on a tube? My pre calls for a 12au7 long plate. Are there any other "plates"? 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
Hmmm the OP gives me the impression that his mind cannot be changed. So be it. Very, and I do mean very, recently I purchased my very first integrated which by the way includes a Phono and headphone stage along with 4 additional ANALOG connections... 
Picking a Tube integrated amp
Received the Rogue today, all hooked up ready to go. Initial impression is positive but not conclusive. Gonna let it burn in for next couple of days before some serious listening. I'll post results when I have a better feel/ear for its good and ba...