
Responses from glenmschneider

Jays Audio yt Channel takes on AB testing of cables.
Just to be clear, they were able to differentiate the cables 100% of the time. Both testers associated the more detailed cable with the more expensive one, which was wrong every time. But they were very consistent in hearing the difference. This... 
Integrated S.E.T Amp and Bookshelf Speakers Recommendations
+1 for Riparian.  I too am a Triode Lab owner and would highly recommend. I use are the SET 45 ffx Monoblocks which sound fantastic and have driven numerous speakers well, including Spatial Audio X5s, Pearl Acoustics Sibelius, and Joseph Crowe BL... 
Speakers that disappear
+1 for yogiboy i heard some smaller Harbeths set up at a dealer where the soundstage was feet behind the speakers. Total disappearing act.    
Has anyone upgraded the crossovers on Spatial Hologram M4 series loudspeakers?
Spatial maintains an audio circle forum where I suspect you will find someone who has done this. I’ve definitely seen upgrades on other spatial speakers there.    
Modern Covers of Classics
 Chantal Chamberland does a whole set of covers; my favorites include Chasing Cars and Miss Sarajevo.    
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
I’ll add a +1 to look at Don sachs. I have his model 2 and it’s outstanding. I prefer a more neutral sound and so I am running this with the provided rectifier tube; however experimenting with Mullard GZ34 gave exactly the warmer detailed sound yo... 
Borresen X1 & X2
I recently had a similar experience on my DIY speakers where at first I thought the imaging was incredible but it didn’t take me long to realize something wasn’t right. the left image was so far beyond the speakers position something was up. Turns...