
Discussions goatwuss has started

Looking for someone to build me grill covers for KEF LS50 metas36759
Baby Proof Floorstanding Speakers1225028
Control volume at speaker cable level for A/B??16766
Video Processing: Anthem D2 vs Oppo BDP-9536491
What high-end multichannel SACD players are there?1207921
Accidentally bought a Quadrophonic LP. OK to play?358711
Tweaking suspension on Michell Orbe134255
Saw the Stereophile review of the B&W 800 Diamond1451720
Optimizing Magnepan MMGW On Wall Speakers63704
Killing sibilance distortion - VPI & Jubilee16348596
Esoteric Players: No Digital Input. WTF?546814
Can a sub be hooked up to speaker posts?34208
Ripping CDs to lossless in Itunes.. HiFi approved?1278534
Where to buy nice audio chairs / loveseats?33069
AV123 LS6 Line Source up and running1181910