
Discussions gochurchgo has started

Canor owners…I’d like to hear your thoughts2122
1200GR upgrade tonearm or table?88316
Luxman Tubes: Integrated or Separates?2931
Speakers for Luxman LX-38070410
Devore O/96 with Luxman 88uc76011
Luxman CL38uc with 900u3581
Phasemation cart on Technics84713
Tube preamp topologies and music235042
Glanz toners for dummies7853
Phono cable not caps to le with preamp?95813
Transimpedance has too much gain?128418
Andover Spindeck is really good13653
Legacy Audio I-V2 anyone?25148
Wiring a speaker out of phase with sub connected6563
John Williams audiophile vinyl8554