
Responses from gochurchgo

Quicksilver (Non-Remote) Linestage & Croft Micro 25 Basic Preamps
@hilde45  OK thanks. I went from a Schiit SYS (as a temp) to the QS and it wasn't the insane jump I thought it would be. Ironically, I just upgraded my phono preamp (solid state) and my vinyl is more 3d than it ever was before. Which is a head scr... 
Quicksilver (Non-Remote) Linestage & Croft Micro 25 Basic Preamps
@hilde45  can I ask if the QS makes your system more holographic?  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@avanti1960  I have been researching loading. Its a Nagaoka moving iron. Its predictably set to 40db @ 47k. I wondered if loading might help but HeavyMech is so right baout the Lounge. I found graphs from ASR and its big. Personally if I could ha... 
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@sokogear  good to know thanks.  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@helomech  I figured as much. Honestly I really liked it. If the lounge had the detail and speed of the Sutherland I’d never upgrade.   The bummer is that the Lounge has been the oldest piece of gear and so voicing my system includes its sound. ... 
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@vonharaland  so far I can say the things people rave about in the 20/20 are definitely true. Giving it a few Weeks to (hopefully) fill out the sound.   
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@sokogear  I was able to net a 20/20 at a great price. Impressed so far but hoping the midbass fills in some. what does the LPS bring to the sound? There doesn’t seem to be a consensus.  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
Quick note and not to derail my own thread.   20/20 arrived today getting first listens. It’s been on roughly 2 hours before I got a disc on. It’s a used unit and no idea how much time is on it already. It may have the new top as it was easy to ... 
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@nwres  Definitely thread that up once you have it. I am on an unofficial waiting list and am very interested in the Don Sachs.  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@avanti1960    I'm hoping for a little shock and awe. If I can cancel my pre-order because I like the Sutherland I save some cash. Which is always nice. Especially for me.  
Listening to music I don’t particularly like
Listening to music you hate because it sounds good = listening to your system. Listen to music instead.  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@avanti1960   For the last like 5 years I have been using the Lounge LCR MKIII. It sounds fine and I have no issue with it. I forget about it sometimes but its not an endgame piece. Its never been upgraded and was bought when it was the darling of... 
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@johnto  P5xe?  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@sokogear  yes you re very correct. I admittedly don't know where my cart journey is headed. I currently have a Nag 150 w/ the 200 (Boron) stylus. I like it but there's obviously better.  I'd like a Nag 500 and to try a Goldring 1042, Garrott and ... 
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@dhite71  thanks I will look into that depending on how I feel about the Sutherland.