
Responses from gochurchgo

Audio envy - dang!
Do the SP11 ‘s have a more fleshed out/fuller sound than the SP9’s?just curious 
Your tube preamp and ss amp thread
Quicksilver Line Stage into a heavily modded Odyssey Khartago (into Klipsch Heresy IV’s). The quicksilver will probably be swapped for something else (possibly Decware CSP3, AVA Vision or...?) 
Keeping backup equipment?
I’ll probably just keep it and build a little system for my kiddo. 
Where are the young audiophiles?
When I was a kid I had my parents old Monkey Wards stereo system from the 70's. I liked how it sounded but at that time I couldn't afford a walkman (not sure they were out then) so listening to music was done at home. In the mid 80's I got a walkm... 
Best amp for Wilson sasha DAW
I heard some DAWs powered by a stack of Naim gear. Sounded OK. Solid but unremarkable. Then ARC monos+preamp combo that was better and finally a Burmeister amp (was like $100k lol) and that sounded better still. None of it wow'd me. Not sure why. 
Keeping backup equipment?
Only one system. It’s in the living room as I am happily single.  No need for cramming it all away in a room due to aesthetics, I run the place as I see fit.so with that said it seems wasteful to keep a perfectly functioning amplifier socked away.... 
Rush - The New Birth Control
Clearly none of  you read MCSweeney's 
New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000
Will definitely own the libs... 
Preamp/interconnects cause amp problems?
He did mention something about transistor(s). I’m afraid my ignorance on electronics means I didn’t fullyprocess what he said.my hope is he fixed the damamge last time but not the cause; and that cause has now been eliminated. My temporary amp has... 
Preamp/interconnects cause amp problems?
Preamp was off. 100% off. DAC and phonostage are always on 24/7.when I turned it off preampIs always connected. Tried with nothing connected and also with a passive connected and same thing . 
Preamp/interconnects cause amp problems?
@dletch2 that was my thought as well. I just want to be sure. I haven’t popped a speaker yet and don’t want that streak to end 
Preamp/interconnects cause amp problems?
@dletch2 he did confirm the issue then repaired what was shorted and sent it back.  When I sent it back again he confirmed it happened again but couldn’t see what the cause was. So he pulledand replaced the boards and the power supply. I’ve not pa... 
Preamp/interconnects cause amp problems?
@erik_squires I honestly have no idea. I asked if I should get a Variac or something and he said no. In fact the tech said he wasn’t totally convinced it was a power issue. I know zero about amp building but that struck me as odd. Essentially what... 
Impedance matching, why?
Oddball question but could an impedance mismatch between Linestage and amplifier somehow cause the amp to short in its power supply?  
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
“A fool and his money are soon parted, lucky enough to have found each other in the first place”.