
Responses from gochurchgo

Odyssey Stratos monoblocks with Elac Adante AS-61
I have a Khartago and its fantastic. Call Klaus and talk to him, he's great.I was going for a Stratos and Klaus SAVED me money by going to a lower amp because he felt like I was wasting money. WHO DOES THAT?I'll be adding a Suspiro and Candela in ... 
Phoenix Metro Area ARIZONA
That website is useless. Did it  move to facebook? 
Best way to organize 6000 albums?
I would say autobiographically but not sure if the reference would be lost.https://youtu.be/AQvOnDlql5g 
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
Interesting. I’ve been sort of eyeing monitors from Tekton. Kind of ugly but the more I read here the more I want to hear them.im redoing my entire system and currently using Focal 807v which I like but I know there’s much better.  I’m very wary t... 
Want to try separates, what to expect.
I went with separates so that I can buy the best I can afford by doing it one piece at a time. I’m very impatient.1 year in and I have probably 2 years to go until I'm done. 
VPI Prime or Scout or ???
@bpoletti  which of the tables you mentioned have the best dynamics if one were looking for a punchy and dynamic sound? My googling always comes back to the Technics but I struggle with how a table affects this vs the cartridge. 
VPI Prime or Scout or ???
@mayoradamwest I agree about the Technics. Not big on the DJ look, but if it has the sound I am aiming for then so be it 
VPI Prime or Scout or ???
@gillatgh Good to know. Its been recommended I go with the 1200GR and while I have no doubt its good, and way cheaper, the thought of owning one doesn’t have the same......lustiness as a VPI. But yet I want a fast, dynamic sound. 
New Technics SL1200gr, anyone taken the leap.
@last_lemming  can I ask what music you spin? I am looking at both tables but read that the GR is better for a faster, more dynamic sound with excellent bass extension vs the VPI.What are your thoughts on the tables? 
VPI Prime or Scout or ???
No to threadjack but does anyone here listen to punk and/or metal on a VPI? I was looking at used Scouts or maybe that Prime Scout but it seems like reviews say this not a good table if one is looking for a fast, dynamic sound with excellent bass ... 
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
My SP4’s arrived the other day. Sound great against the 10awg BJC (Belden I think) cable.i can’t comment on the old formula but these seem to not have the rollercoaster ride my interconnects has during the break in. I absoutely love these.  My Foc... 
"The End of The Road"
I’m excited to get to the point of selection by my “end of the road” speakers.sadly 4-5 years away.congrats on yours!  
Help with kef r900 issue
Personally, I'd be the world's biggest d+ck until it was made right by KEF. 
The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers
If I had the time I'd like to try it. 
SOTA vs VPI (or stick with my Rega?)
@viridian The Rega has better PRAT than the VPI? I hadn’t heard that before. Very interesting.Can you elaborate more? (Not hating, I am in the market and listen to punk and faster music so PRAT is important to me).