
Responses from gordon

Where do you buy your vinyl?
Directly from record label Plaid Room Records Merchbar Acoustic Sounds Music Direct  
GIK alternatives
Just a follow up on my post...Glenn reached out to me via email, and all is good.  In my view, my issues didn't warrant replacing the bass traps, as Glenn had offered.  I'll order from GIK again.  
GIK alternatives
This week, I received the 2 Soffit bass traps I ordered back in January.  They were shipped 4.5 weeks later than originally scheduled, but I was told this 4.5 weeks ago, so I have no issue with the delay. I'm underwhelmed by the build quality.  P... 
SME Spindle Oil - Where To Buy
From the SME Importer.   Acoustic Sounds told me the same thing. Hello, Thank you for your continuing interest in SME. SME has made a policy that they sell parts directly to consumers. You can order directly from SME by calling their office at... 
Scams abound
There was a Boulder amp for auction starting very low (I don’t recall the exact price) by a user with 0 feedback.  Most bids were by another user with 0 feedback, who upped one of his bids by $4k for no apparent reason.   
GIK alternatives
I ordered a pair of bass traps from GIK 2 months ago.  The original shipping date was 3/17.  It's been pushed back 4-5 weeks.  We'll see...  
The panic selling of tube audio had begun.
@dekay You need to buy new not used.  
song recommendations for Klipsch Heresy IV's?
Bolt Thrower Grouper The Archies  
What's with website?
Can something be both unique and classic?  My advice is don’t sign with your business affiliation as to not hurt sales.  
Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?
Fyi, WB’s do come in blue and red.  
All caps critical.  
Any dealers have SME belts and O rings for sale?
None in the US.  You have to go through SME directly.  
Turntable and cartridge setup known for a marvelous bottom end.
I have a marvelous bottom end, and am interested in TT recommendations. SME with Dynavector cartridge has much more authoritative bass than an LP12 with same cartridge , to me, fwiw.  
Cube Audio speakers in Northern California?
12" of paradise ;)  
SME service is terrible. Can’t buy any accessories from local dealers here in USA
Here's the response I got from Acoustic Sounds a couple years ago.Hi Gordon,You will have to call SME and order the oil and dampening fluid directly from them. SME only sells directly to customers now. Thanks