Responses from grannyring
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier I also ordered one fully loaded and now have it! I am letting it settle into my system and let you folks know what I think. I also own the 3.0 dac and all of his top end wire in my reference system.Bill | |
Audio Horizon Preamp I just got a fully loaded 2.0 pre to compare to my CJ LS16 MK2. I will let you know. The CJ is a fine unit. I have not heard better. I own the 3.0 dac from Mr. Chow and love it to death. I also own all of his wire in my reference system.I will com... | |
Top ten tube preamps CJ Premier LS16, V2Thor | |
Postive or Negative Results -Big Amp & Conditioner BPT's balanced isolation transformers/conditioners work great. Have one on my Belles Reference 350 and it helps, not limits the sound in any way. Bill | |
best preamps in the 4K-8K range A CJ Premier 16, version 2. Man this is pure musical magic and the backbone of a great system. Get it and Amperex NOS's. Heaven.Bill | |
TWO CHANNEL AMP DECISION FINALLY MADE I have listed a Belles 21A special Auricap option. The only reason I say this on this thread is I to love Belles gear and the synergy is very good. I also own the 350 Reference amp and the combination with the 21A preamp is wonderful.I am going to... | |
Review: Sistrum Platform SP-101 Stand I have had the very same experience. I have the 4 shelf rack and platforms under my Dali speakers. Nice improvement. | |
McIntosh C45 question Kr4 nailed it. I owned one.Bill | |
DAC to Amps bypassing preamp: Opinions please A preamp has always sounded better in my system. This is playing with any top CD player with great analog volumes including a Opus 21, AA Capitole, Muse Thalia and Quad unit. Each and every time without fail a preamp was needed to get more dynamic... | |
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier His Transparency IC,power and speaker cables are the best I have ever owned. He modded a Tandberg tuner and it sounded better my $6800 CD player. Yes, his stuff is first rate.Bill | |
Review: Mcalister Audio PP150S Tube amp No I have not tried using different tubes. That could prove interesting. | |
Dali Helicon 400's or other with current Mac gear Dali & Mac is a match made in heaven. I own te Dali Grands and with the MC402 it was so sweet! | |
Advice on budget amp. Bigjoe, have you owned the Art sla 1 amp? I dont know of any pro amp that sounds as good for this litte. The Art Sla is as you say better than many midfi amps.Bill | |
Music volume? What about your sound level? Bigjoe, you will damage your ears! Wow! | |
Best Mcintosh solid-state amp 200-300 watts? MC402 400 watts is so fine. These are great amps as are the lower power ones 250-300 watts. Effortless and tube like with great detail and texture at the same time.Bill |