

Responses from grannyring

If money is no problem and they fit….the Duelund CAST Cu(Sn).  This is the best sounding capacitor ever produced in my opinion.   
If by signal he means they are on the RCA outputs, then yes you can change. Don’t change the value of interstage coupling caps.  
Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning
Bpoletti, I am sorry but in this  case you could not be more incorrect.  Honestly. Pauly, no worries as the 3.3uf will sound great. Just wonderful. Order matched sets within 2% from the supplier.  Also, be sure to make note of the outer foil end a... 
Stock Voyager GaN amp (350/600) Contrasted with my EVS1200 (600/1200)
Very true and great point!  
Stock Voyager GaN amp (350/600) Contrasted with my EVS1200 (600/1200)
So do you like it better than the EVS? Just different? Trade offs?  
If the caps are not on the output, but interstage, you should stick with the value they have.  I am only talking about the output cap position.  The caps tied to the the RCA outputs!  
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
DH Labs and Vampire XLRs look absolutely identical as I have used both. Sure one makes for the other.  Yes, pure copper. Used both and very, very good.  
The Odams are much better than the Jantzen Superior Z which I am very familiar with. Different level of sonic performance and nuance to be frank. However, they do cost more.  Where are you located?  
Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning
Both can.  I also used it on a A/B Coda #8 powerhouse amp.  No loss of dynamics.  
If cost is the issue, then consider a smaller value VH Audio Odam. Perhaps a 1.0 uf. In the end if these are still too costly for you, then a Miflex will be better than the others you mention. Yes, I have used all the caps you mentioned.Please be ... 
Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning
The Puritan does not limit current. This has been my actual experience with large SS, pure class A amps which are very high current designs.   
With tube amps you are good with output caps from .47uf to 2.2uf.  If you want a more holographic image I suggest two cap brands.  - VH Audio Odams - Duelund CAST CuSn - tinned copper version  
If your amp’s input impedance is really that high - 470k, then even a .22uf is fine! To assure it works with most any SS amp you may get in the future, then I would suggest any value from 1.5 uf - 2.2uf. It is best to keep the cap value as low as ... 
Has anyone used the new Innuos 2.0 Sense music app? Compared it to Roon?
Yes, offline is so much better.  Need for Innuos to get online streaming to sound as good as offline ripped CDs etc…