
Responses from grk

The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
Matching it with a tube preamp in balanced mode could be an issue with some, since the balanced input impedance is only 10k ohms.  
Luxman leaves me wanting
Also, consider the PrimaLuna EVO 300 integrated from Upscale Audio. They have a 60-day return policy for a full refund, so you really have nothing to lose!  
Luxman leaves me wanting
Try contacting some DeVore dealers and ask their input on what they like with the Super Nines. The Leben is typically a good match. Also, you may want to consider the CODA integrated amp if you don’t want tubes or the Pass Labs as others have ment... 
Experiences With Costly Balanced XLR Interconnects Above $3,000
A number of manufacturers offer a 30-day trial period or more, so seek them out and give them a try. The Cable Company will charge you around 10% of the cable cost to try their cables, but will credit the amount if you end up purchasing from them.... 
Phono cable (RCA-RCA) from TT to Phono Pre Question
WyWire Cables list the capacitance of their cables. Typically, 7.9 pF (per foot at a frequency of 10kHz).  
Silver Speaker Cables
+ 1 for the ArgentPur cables. Highly involving and no "silver brightness"!  
Experience with Modwright products?
I owned the Modwright modded Oppo 205 player for about 5 years without any issues. Of course, it helped that the player itself is known for its reliability.  
New Generation Class D - AGD Audion Mkiii upgrade
"@agdproduction Your post was spot on!  I don’t understand how people speak negatively about a product or a hifi tweak without trying it for themselves?"   Because it's much easier to write about something they know nothing (or very little) abou... 
Finding a Power Amplifier for Luxman C-900U
You are welcome @ darknight8586. Check out Terry London's review. SPL Performer s1200 stereo amplifier by Terry London (   Also, I think that having a background in professional audio is a plus when branching out to home audio. ... 
Finding a Power Amplifier for Luxman C-900U
Hi @darkknight8586  I'm not sure why you are concerned about fan noise? I only hear it for the first few seconds (to blow dust off the electronics) when the amp is turned on. After that no fan noise!  Why would that be a problem? I suppose it cou... 
Finding a Power Amplifier for Luxman C-900U
I used a C-900u with a SPL Performer S1200 driving DeVore Super 9 speakers and they paired very nicely! It's well within your budget, especially now that they have a new distribution system.   It also paired well with a Sugden FBA-800 amp.  
Perfect Vinyl Forever
You are welcome @jw944ts and sad indeed! Reading comprehension seems to elude many on this site.  
Perfect Vinyl Forever
Well, I received my sixteen records back from "Perfect Vinyl Forever" and overall I am happy with the results.I requested the 3.2 cleaning process, plus flattening for two records. The records were returned in about twelve days in new sleeves and ... 
How best to eliminate LP warps
Services — Perfect Vinyl Forever.   I've used this company and am very happy with the results!  
Perfect Vinyl Forever
"Not worth the money or time. That’s what folks are telling you, but you’re not listening." Apparently someone did not read or comprehend the responses! "I have used PVF probably a dozen times over the past 5 years. It is an excellent service. V...