Responses from gsm18439
Looking for advice on these speakers I am fortunate that in the DC and NYC areas there are B&M stores that carry a number of high sensitive speakers. However, as I learned the hard way, there is no substitute for a "longish-term" audition of speakers in my own home - with all the... | |
Looking for advice on these speakers Personally, I find the number of high quality speakers available for audition overwhelming. Limiting the options to SET friendly speakers narrows the options and makes the selection process more manageable. | |
Looking for advice on these speakers If I may weigh in. . . There are SETs and then there are SETs; there are too many variables to lump all SETs together. I have Zu Def IVs and am happy with my Ancient Audio 300b SET (using Takatuski 300b) that seems to be able to drive these speake... | |
Looking for advice on these speakers The Orangs are also designed to be way out into the room and not against the wall like the Audio Notes. | |
Recommend an "adiophile worthy" pen? You forgot. . . . Ballpoint vs rollerball vs fountain penExtra-fine vs fine vs medium vs broadIf a fountain pen, itallic vs non-itallic with a wide choice of nib materials Size and weight of the pen, itselfI am sure that I have forgotten other par... | |
Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones? What is the definition of "good"? Sonic quality? Durability? Given the longevitiy of some tubes (300b comes to mind) and unless a tube fails "early," it will be hard to prove that new tubes are predictably shorter-lived compared to older ones. Or ... | |
Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones? Charles. Which Psvane WE Replicas have you tried? | |
Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones? There is also a Japanese company - Takatsuki - that makes a few tubes. . . notable the 300b. Very expensive, but also very good. | |
Harbeth sound with high wife acceptance factor? Other British speakers? Spendir? Linn? Or get custom stands fabricated to make the Harbeths look like a small floor stander? | |
Best speaker firing across short dimension of room I have a similar arrangement, but put my Zu Def 4s close to the back wall. One alternative is to look for speakers that work close to the back wall (British speakers in general, Zu, VS 33 or 35) and/or have tunable bass. | |
$1500 for a whole system, budding audiophile Many options. A major determinant is the number of sources - CDP, tuner, and/or turntable - and not amplification. I put together two similarly priced systems for a friend, each based around Spica TC-50s but with different electronics. TC-50s are ... | |
Good speakers to be placed close to rear wall Audio note in particular. British speakers in general. Also, I have my Zu Def 4s close to a wall; while these are out of your price range, I suspect that other Zu speakers would work just as well. | |
Monitor speaker recommendations Two other suggestions (both would be used): Celestion SL-700 or Spica TC-50 | |
floor standing speakers with powered woofer Zu Definition (built in amplifier drives the downward firing subwoofers) and Zu Dominance (requires an external amplifier)All Rethm speakers (built in amplifiers drive the downward firing subwoofers) | |
Redbook CD Is Not Dead I primarily play CDs with few complaints. A good CD player, however, is not cheap. |