
Responses from harris1204

The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
Hoping for some clarification on the fuse values; I read a few posts back where Ted recommended going with the manufacturers specified value, but I was wondering if this was an equipment safety recommendation or a "sound improvement" recommendatio... 
Quicksilver Gold Tips how to Apply
I just bought this product and was wondering if anyone has any experience and results with applying it to HDMI cables? I want to do it, but fear the pins on the male end are too close and will cause an arc. Any ideas? 
Give the new Kid Rock a shot.
Glad to see the response! Synthfreek - THANK YOU FOR GIVING IT A SHOT!! GLAD YOU LIKED IT! I learned a long time ago that being closed minded to new and / or different anythings gets you nowhere but where you were. 
Any exp. w/ Shunyata Dark Field Cable Elevators
Don-s.... LOL! Now that was a great one liner!!Grant, I'll email you. 
Any exp. w/ Shunyata Dark Field Cable Elevators
Grant, can you elaborate on why the conductive material is better than using an item intentionally made to remove the cable from the static field? I read your web page info but I would appreciate any further info you can offer here relating to why... 
Whatever happened to Straight Wire?
Straight Wire is still around in the Chicagoland area. The website is very outdated but their product performs very well with excellent build quality and reasonable pricing. While I do not know what the dealer network in other areas represents, I ... 
Synergistic Research Quattro multi supply ?'s
Blast. I simply must suck it up and go with an Accelerator audition. I just purchased my speaker wire IC's less that one year ago and it seams that it simply may just be Tesla time. Used cables for sale anyone? :)Question.. I am currently going wi... 
Synergistic Research Quattro multi supply ?'s
Thank you for all the info! After getting the active sub cable (an absolute must have if you have never heard one... auditioned a few of them along with the "mine is better" cables from some close friends..... simply amazing! MUCH better sub respo...