
Responses from hce1

Router for Audio Streaming
@wsrrsw  I just picked up an uptone audio etherregen. Uptone claims there is no need for an LPS with it. Can you elaborate on your experience with the after dark PSU and clock with your etherregen?  
Router for Audio Streaming
@yoramguy1 I recently had my ISP install the most recent router they have available for their customers: Calix. I was surprised to see and hear significant improvements in the video and audio performance on my television and the audio delivered fr... 
Still looking for a new Moving Coil Cartridge
+1 for the Grado If you haven’t listened in a while to a MM cartridge in your system, I encourage you to give the Grado a spin. I currently have the Hana ML mounted on my TT. I like it, but it demands a good deal more of my phono pre than the Gra... 
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
@kennymacc Congratulations on finding your endgame speakers. What a joy to complete a big equipment search and move on to the music again! +1 Reference 3A mm de Capo I’ve been drawn all my life to time aligned speaker designs using simple crosso... 
USB Cable
Let me start with a disclaimer: my system is modest in comparison to those of others who have responded to this question. A move to a smaller home 10 years ago forced me from my multi-component tube based Counterpoint system, fully upgraded by Mik... 
The greatest Pop song yet written and recorded.
@tylermunns  Thanks for that list of Carole King songs. It’s incredible and I’ll be listening to them all week long. @bdp24  Thanks for initiating this thread. I’m enjoying it thoroughly! I haven’t the understanding of music theory to approach... 
Being alone with your music
Sitting alone as a child in my room listening to music on my portable record player or old tube AM radio made me who I am today. And, of course, it made me a loner, someone totally self-sufficient, comfortable with my own company. Hail, hail rock-... 
What was your first record?
Went to visit a friend one Saturday when I was eight and wound up spending the afternoon in his older brother’s room listening to rock and roll 45s. Begged my folks for a copy of Dion’s The Wanderer. My first LP was The Beach Boys Surfin’ Safari, ... 
Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are?
Excellent question and some excellent recommendations already. Here are three jazz lps I love that I didn’t see mentioned yet: Gil Evans, New Bottle, Old Wine Ornette Coleman, The Shape of Jazz to Come Eric Dolphy, Out to Lunch +1 for previous... 
Hidden Gems in Classic Rock Albums
+1 for the Kinks, 1966-70 +1 for the Band, The Shape I’m In, add Daniel and the Magic Harp Nilsson, Pandemonium Shadow Show (She Sang Hymns Out of Tune, 1941). Aerial Ballet (Good Old Desk, The Wailing of the Willow). Nilsson Schmilsson (everyth... 
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
Lots of interesting comments here. I agree with many of them. Here are my two cents. Nabokov said that you don’t really know a book, understand the artistic achievement or quality, until you’ve read it five times. We can quibble about the number ... 
A perfect song? What are your choices?
I have to speak in defense of Yoko Ono. First, the “let it be” documentary seems to me to communicate clearly that the dissolution of the Beatles is far more complicated than any assignation of responsibility to only one or another of the band mat... 
Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned
There are two separate issues here. First, several of the comments conflate disrespectful and insulting comments with demands that personal observations be supported with scientific data and theory. There is never a reason to be rude in your respo... 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
The effect of the Internet on the audiophile industry/community is more complex than our discussion has acknowledged so far. Long time a'goners will know that the Internet, especially A'gon, not only has changed the audio marketing landscape, but ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Love Trigger Hippy. Tonight though, I'm listening to Griot Galaxy, Kin.