Responses from herman
Beautiful, uplifting music... Brahms, "Leider & Romanzen, secular choruses" Arnold Schoenberg choir. Teldec 4509-92058-2My decidely non-audiophile wife describes this as sounding like angels singing. Maybe more beautiful than uplifting but does both. I am usually pleased w... | |
Best line conditioner??? Hi Mr. Parrot, TAS likes it so that is the final word? Nuff said? Come on. It may be a good place to start, but unless you assemble the reviewer's exact system including his room, you are unlikely to get the same results. | |
Worth more used? There is some vintage gear that sells for more dollars than when new, such as some McIntosh and Marantz amps. But if you take inflation into account it is probably worth less than when it was new. | |
Using 2 pair of speaker cables for single hookup ? Why don't you try it, if it sounds better, then I would say that is a definite advantage. The time that it takes a signal to travel down these cables is a fraction of a microsecond so I don't think you need to worry about phase shifts. | |
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS I thought the Halcro was the best sounding amp of all time, no maybe it was the Kronzilla, no perhaps it was ??????????. The opinion of TAS is just that. | |
SET - Limitations from Amp, Speaker Match, Both? As a fan of the systems you descibe, I think your assumptions are a little off. A low power SET amp coupled to a high efficiency driver in a properly designed cabinet will be about as dynamic and as detailed as you can get. There will be plenty of... | |
Running a cdplayer directy to an amp impedence q The output impedance of the source (CD player) should be much lower than than the input impedance of the load (amp) so the numbers you gave are fine for both amps. The voltages for the amps would be the voltages needed to drive them to maximum out... | |
Where have all the protest songs gone? Steve Earle can throw together a pretty good protest song. Not exactly mainstream, but I recommend you give him a listen. | |
Center image on left side and don't know why I too have been plagued with this problem from time to time. It has almost always been solved by speaker placement, toe in and/or distance from the listening position. It is amazing how seemingly insignificant changes in these two factors can caus... | |
OK 2 use different OT taps for 2 sides of 1 amp? It won't hurt anything, but if the panels and the woofer have the same impedance, the one hooked up to the 8 ohm tap would be getting twice as much power as the 4 ohm tap. | |
Urgent help: fuse breaker box for dedicated line? If you don't know the answers to those basic questions about voltage and current, you have no business doing this yourself. You are fooling around with things that can burn down your house if done incorrectly. You should hire an electrician. | |
If tube amp is left on, but not playing........ Dear Mr. Ghost Rider, I cannot disagree. Your point about thermal shock is very real. That is why light bulbs almost always burn out when first turned on. I think it all depends on how much the equipment is used. If you play your amps only on the ... | |
If tube amp is left on, but not playing........ Hi GS556, I am afraid you are wrong on all counts. A transistor and a tube operate in the same fashion when used in an audio circuit. It is true that a transistor will be off with no signal or bias applied to the base, and a tube will be on with n... | |
If tube amp is left on, but not playing........ I don't think turning off B+ will help much if the filament is on. The filament will still be cooking away and shortening the life of the tube. | |
300B amp options A variation on TWL's suggestion is a 2A3 amp and using Sophia Meshplate 300B tubes with 2.5 V filaments. I have a pair in my Bottlehead parafeed 2A3 amps and they are very nice. That gives you the option to explore 2A3 tubes but does limit you to ... |