
Discussions heyanming has started

W4S DAC1/STI-500 vs DAC2/ST-50032609
Bel Canto vs Mcintosh79012
Has anybody heard the new Mcintosh MC302/MC452?81385
First tube integrated amp929117
Plinius 9100 vs Luxman L-505U141339
Sony XA5400ES vs Marantz SA800134202
Most musical integrated amp you have heard?8239771
Plinius vs Jeff Rowland78666
PSB Synchrony one vs Acoustic Zen Adagio30930
Has anybody heard the Nait XS?22611
Marantz vs Mcintosh1367511
sonus faber, vienna acoustics, proac1159613
Upgrade my Musical Fidelity A3.229221
Thiel 2.3 vs Jm Lab 92625581
Vienna acoustic vs Thiel vs ProAc vs Paradigm117356