
Responses from hgeifman

How to convert TV optical output to XLR
Today, I also ordered a new Astound cable box with Tivo scheduled for installation on May 4th. The new Astound (ISP) cable box will enable me to correct the "incorrect wiring" of my Pioneer TV, Ayre AX-7e amplifier and Oppo Blu-Ray player. I will ... 
Magnum Dynalab MD 309
Please search for magnum dynalab md 309 review. You will find several reviews on this product. 
How to convert TV optical output to XLR
Whoops. I made a mistake. If you ask enough questions, someone will give you the right answer. The correct answer is not to use the TV for audio.I was told to run the RCA audio cable from my cable box to my Ayre RCA inputs (and bypass my TV) and r... 
Ayre CX7e: Is the final mp upgrade worth the money
I agree with Ptmconsulting above. Absolutely, the MP upgrade is worth it. Great suggestion above on also having the factory install a new transport that includes a complete checkout of the CD player.  
How to convert TV optical output to XLR
Thank you very much for the above information. This TV digital output was new to me. I am reviewing my options. 
What is you TIDAL setup?
I stream Tidal from my MAC Book Pro Computer 2.9GHz Dual-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz Laptop computer to my Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC using the Synergistic Research Active SE USB Cable. The MAC Computer is connected to the Internet using t... 
Comments on interconnect cables
Zd542: Thanks for the suggestion. I contacted The Cable Company and am waiting for them to respond. 
Comments on interconnect cables
Thank you very much for your comments above. I appreciate everyones comments and suggestions. In summary, one person said to "keep what I have", another said "waste of money", another person asked for more information and I received other posts su... 
Comments on interconnect cables
zd542: We did the best we could based on my equipment, room, etc. Of course, it is not perfect. No home audio system can match the sound of a live performance. 
Comments on interconnect cables
Tjassoc: Thanks for asking those great questions. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, country and new age recordings and streaming (uncompressed Tidal and Pandora). I listen to live music at San Francisco Symphony Hall and Freight & Salvage (a... 
Best Minimalist DAC?
As noted above, I also recommend the Ayre QB-9 USB DAC. I own the Ayre QB-9 and am very impressed with the way it sounds in my system. The new DSD DAC version is much better sounding then my previous Ayre CX-7e CD player. The highs are better and ... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
I cannot believe your Tellurium Q Black Diamond USB Cable does not work with your new Bracasti M1. What did Bricasti say when you spoke to them? What about Tellurium?I think you said other USB cables work with the Bricasti but not the Tellurium Q ... 
Magnum Dynalamb MD 809 t
The Magnum Dynalab 809t Internet tuner allow you to create and organize your favorite list of stations via an Internet Radio Portal website. The Frontier Silicon radio portal is an Internet network provider that supplies over 24,000 stations (and ... 
Finally "HiFi" streaming - comments on Tidal???
I agree with Cerrot's post above. Tidal Hi-Fi is an excellent source for music streaming at CD quality. I have been listening for a week now and love it. Yes, it takes a few seconds to start an album and a few seconds between album songs but this ... 
Finally "HiFi" streaming - comments on Tidal???
Whoops. It was my error. I was told "You have to right click on the album and not the artist name and vice versa when you want to add it to favorites. Any slight over hang into the other will divert it into the wrong category".A very simple mouse ...