Responses from hheedah
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? 1979 south side Johnny and the Asbury Jukes opened for j geils band, Boston Gahden. Floor seats, $7.50. Next time Ian hunter and Mott the hoople opened for j geils, v maybe 1980.whew amazing opening acts | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp @ristretto Yeah I kinda thot you'd be overwhelmed so that's why I asked :). Too many choices sometimes. My setup: I have a Jolida - precursor to Black Ice - either 10 or 14 WPC and I'm in a room a little bigger than yours. Currently running a pair... | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp @ristretto Where are you in your speaker search? Any plans to use a sub? Do you have to spend all $3K? | |
Speaker Slip Covers @allenf1963 Ah good deal. I got a quote for the cotton covers but after some Q&a I chose the black vinyl ones. Getting a fabric sample next week and then likely get 2 sets,, omega Junior alnico 6 xrs and Neat Xplorer in the main room. Thanks ... | |
Speaker Slip Covers @allenf1963 Hi. Thanks for posting this Q. I'm in the market now so reached out to a couple of companies that people mentioned. In case you are still looking at the speaker covers - and for the benefit of others - I just heard back from Stan at ra... | |
Qobuz @bwguy Qobuz stopped working today through the BluOs app. I notified Bluesound but they are notoriously bad at responding with anything helpful. As for the Playlists... I'll have to check once connected again. The Qobuz homepage does not show me p... | |
It Pegged the Needle on My "BS Meter". Now, I'm A Believer. Ever Happen to You? @patrickcarey Following up on your cable journey, any way to estimate or better yet know, which speaker cables will sound good with which gear? Goes for interconnects too. I have Kimber speaker cables, Ascent series, and they sound good but I fell... | |
It Pegged the Needle on My "BS Meter". Now, I'm A Believer. Ever Happen to You? Two instances come to mind. One: I bought some 14 gauge speaker cables, 12', "pure copper wire", banana plugs each end - sounded terrible, totally threw a wet towel over the sound (Rotel and Paradigm gear). Went back to the spooled speaker wire. ... | |
dbx Model 21 Decoder Operation Help Hmm, line level. Bummer. Using an integrated amp so that doesn't help me. OK. Provided I play it through another system with a separate preamp and power Amp, how do I run the rca's? I don't understand how to connect to the back panel. Thx. | |
Omega The Seven Bookshelf Speakers @br3098 Thanks so much for your feedback. I noticed similar characteristics with the ones I've listened to at THE Show in Long Beach - the only place I've been to hear any. I do listen to a lot of vocals - male and female - but would like to h... | |
Omega The Seven Bookshelf Speakers Thank you all | |
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range? Hi @mikhailark I just got back from T.H.E. Show audio expo in SoCal last weekend. Addressing your specific question I listened to 2-3 speakers that might interest you. The Legacy Aeries was auditioned in the room and for a ribbon tweeter, sounded ... | |
Volti does it again! I visited Greg and toured his shop last summer. I made a special stop on our vacation thru the south. Auditioned the Razz. Sounded wonderful. He's as straight a shooter as you'll find as evidenced by his posts. A genuine dude doing what he loves. ... | |
Have you asked yourself this question? @motown-l +1 for emotional attachments. I still get joy remembering that feeling of listening to ELP and King Crimson on my buddy's 1978 Denon TT, Carver Amp and Cerwin Vegas in his attic in high school. Could never drop my analog either. ... | |
The Hidden Gem at Capital Audio Fest (CAF) 2023! @roadcyklr What would you recommend I read to better understand what speaker efficiency really means. I assume lower numbers = harder to drive and poor sounds at lower listening levels. Thanks... |