

Responses from hilde45

Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
@lewm +1 yep. you got it. You know -- about the 911's. Ahem.  
Streamer only
@alvinnir2 I do! She was great. In a way, I liked the typo, because there are streaming options for $100. Not great, but doable. Viz.,  https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/how-to-build-your-own-low-cost-high-performance-streamer/  
Streamer only
@alvinnir2 He said $1000 not $100.  
Considering a Hegel preamp
I have not owned a Hegel but was researching SS preamps recently. McCormack fell onto my list, but I have not seen one used so have not pulled the trigger. Other preamps which gained my attention were Herron, Belles, Atoll, Ayre, and Van Alstine's... 
Not to be missed at Axpona
You wife goes all three days -- at the show with you? Hang on to her. She's a keeper.  
To upgrade a separate power supply?
Look here and here.  
Streamer only
OP, I tried the Bluesound Node and external LPS with good results. Reliable and easy to use. Those who have recommended Aurender, Innous, Lumin are ignoring your price constraints. They are double and more your limits.  
Qualities Of An End-game System
“End game is when you no longer feel the need to upgrade.” I felt that way and then I heard a much better and more musical system and room than mine. It showed me that there was more to hear, more work to do. New experiences changed my feeling... 
next step up from my ps audio sprout ?
I would put this Vincent at the top of your list. @mesch can testify. This doesn't have everything you list, but Rogue is a good brand, I hear, and you could add on the bluetooth/streaming. Here's one for $1000 This Hegel would have more, and al... 
Qualities Of An End-game System
Theoretically,  what more do we need besides the enjoyment of music?   Some of us like to tinker and hear differences. It is not only about the music. The notion that upgrading or changing is only due to OCD is false, or this wouldn't be a leg... 
Danish Lust
The title of this thread reminds me of a classic film I saw back in the 1970's.  
Qualities Of An End-game System
The need to reproduce the musical venue is one function of a system. I like to call it the "Disney World" function, because it produces the kind of illusions which trick and delight children of all ages. Other musical pieces are masterpieces of c... 
Qualities Of An End-game System
The OP's description strikes me as "first level audiophile" not "end game."  "End game" indicates a superlative system, one which likely cannot be bettered. This hobby is filled with hyperbolic descriptions. If we want to talk seriously, we need... 
Anyone hear or own Musical Technology (Heil AMT's) speakers?
Very cool!    
The Music Room
I trust TMR. But the prices they offered me for the gear I wanted to sell was SO far below what I could make privately, that I have gone the private route so far. FWIW.