

Responses from hoganpc

What’s your system look like?...
Marantz SR-18 receiver, 50lbs., 140 watts RMS per channel 20-20KHZRotel RDV-1045 CD/DVD playerCardas B300 Microtwin interconnectMuseatex 24 strand solid core speaker cable, rhodium spadesMirage M5si speakers, bi-wired 
What is the average dealer mark up?
For the 10 years I worked part-time in the business, mid-fi and high end, it was 40% for speakers and 25% for electronics.  Accessories and cables higher. 
List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid
Marantz SR-18 receiver, new was $4,299, paid $399Rotel RDV 1045 DVD/CDplayer, new was $600, paid $130Mirage M590i speakers, new were $1,100, paid $150Cardas B300 Microtwin interconnects, new $150, paid $80Museatex(Meitner) 24 strand solid core spe... 
Is it all worth it?
I have never rushed home wanting to adjust VTA, clean records, double check tracking force, and so on. I was aware of  guy who would do all of this for EACH record in his collection. All my vinyl is gone.Pop in a CD, sit back and enjoy. 
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?
Sumo Andromeda, Meitner 101, Belles 450, Accupahse P300 
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?
The Mission 7000 PCM CD player. 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
I've been out of the high end for a long time.  My last foray included an Auduble Illusions  3A  preamp and a Meitner STR-101 power amp.Just like week I acquired a mint used Revox B150 integrated to drive my Mirage M590i speakers in a bedroom syst... 
Why pay so much for super high end?
Why buy a $60K BMW when you can buy a good used donkey for about $1K?  Both will transport the troll in post #1.