
Responses from iopscrl

Imported audio are you getting the same level of performance vs domestic priced equip?
Luxman and Accuphase are 2 brands that come to mind as both are much cheaper in the Orient than in the US.   I have not made a significant arbitrage purchase, but have monitored the issue over the years.  What I find interesting is differences in ... 
Recommendations for Vintage Speakers
From your listening tastes, it appears you want a combination of "Punch" and delicacy.  RnR bass, with clean extended treble.   Not an easy accomplishment using vintage speakers.A budget was not mentioned.I would recommend:Larger floorstanding ADS... 
Mono Reissues and the Conical Stylus
90%o of mono cartridges currently sold as NEW, are in fact stereo cartridges adjusted or modified to produce a mono signal.  One of 2 methods is used: 1) standard internal construction, with coils in an "X" pattern, with L/R internally combined to... 
Best cheapo Cartridge
Shure V15-111 with a Jico stylusEmpire EDR .9Both are outstanding MM cartridges that are easy found md relatively inexpensive.   Sonics are wonderful- quiet backgrounds, deep bass, clean midrange and extended HF response.   Both require low mass a... 
looking for a tube preamps that doesn't sound like SS
Audio Research SP3aAudio Research SP10Conrad Johnson PV5Marantz 7cMcIntosh C22McIntosh 110z *  Tuner PreampAll sound like tubes, all have excellent phono stages.  All will require maintenance to perform at their best.A more recent possibility:  Br... 
What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
You never know why someone lists an item for sale.  Do they need to sell, do they just want to see what they can get for the item, are they thinking of upgrading etc etc.  You will not get a sense of a seller's motivation if you do not engage the ... 
Ultrasonic cleaning with kirmuss and loss of high frequency details.
Those stating they hear a loss of HF content after US cleaning are very much in the minority among users.  US cleaning has become almost mainstream in the audiophile community.  At present, there is  enough data of results spread across machine ty... 
Looking for an integrated tube amp under $2500
The OP did not provide information regarding the size of the room in which the amp and speakers will be installed, or about listening habits and preferences.  From a need for a solution that is no more than 7 inches high, can we deduce that space ... 
The Science of Vinyl/Analog Setups
Digital is like looking at the world through the tines of a comb, or in strobascopic light.Vinyl and Analogue are like looking at the world as it is, in continuous non stop light.One can reduce the size of each tine to bring in more light, one can... 
Does this exist? Preamp/Streamer/DAC with MQA, Roon and more
You already tried your solution:" Second, when I connected a PS Audio DSJr through a Marantz AV receiver as preamp, then to the exact same Musical Fidelity amp and Monitor Audio speakers, the sound was GLORIOUS in comparison to the NAD"You don't ... 
What responsibility does a seller have to tell a customer an item has been serviced?
Issues on both sides.  Buyer should have asked more questions before purchase.  Seller was obligated to honor a stated 30 day return policy.   Publication of this policy (website, in ads, in correspondence) by the seller essentially negates the "h... 
Why the facination with integrated amps?
I can think of many reasons.  Cost, Space, Convenience etc.    Sure an integrated includes tradeoffs.  One power supply for all sections is a compromise that may have audible consequences.   Lack of flexibility outside of basic features may inhibi... 
Have you ever wondered why speaker manufactures do not consign speakers to dealers?
How feasible is it to expect a dealer to have 1 example of every model carried, then work with company distribution to drop ship all orders ?   There would be an investment requirement to have basic stock but not as much as needed to carry inventory. 
How much would I lose going to a Bluesound Node 2i
There will always be listeners who embrace the latest and supposedly greatest.  But new technology only succeeds when it represents a paradigm shift for the average buyer and becomes the new standard for everything else.  78->LP  LP->CD  VHS... 
Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)
Someone mentioned NEAR 10m monitors.   Their driver technology was unique and based on patents from Bozak regarding cone construction and rigidity.   I have a pair and they were my primary speakers for several years.   I liked the sound and they d...