
Responses from isochronism

Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
OP: "I came back to see just how much this thread has degraded" .... It began at the bottom of the barrel! 
Which is the most important part of a stereo system?
The MONEY source is the most important! 
Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments
guide and noble, I'm sure you know of Jack Sheldon who wasn't stopped by a stroke. He (just ๐Ÿ™„) switched-over to his left hand for Trumpet. 
Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments
(a) Fender Tweed Champ amp with maxed-out volume (12) started the whole rock guitar sound. It is reputed that Eric Clapton recorded Layla with one as his studio amp. "... some of these crazy people..." are you insinuating someone like wolf Garcia ... 
What are the sexiest components ever made?
Anyone here needed to take a cold shower because of this thread?? 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
I'm in complete accordance! Spin some Records or CDs!! ๐ŸŽน๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽบ๐ŸŽท๐Ÿฅ Enjoy 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
Michelle, I honestly DO appreciate your fleeting attempt at TRYING liking my speakers., for me, at least. Actually the other two times I mentioned these in other threads no one had any experience or much to say. Granted, your interest is in lighti... 
Is High End Cable Really Worth It and What Brand
ย I've been waiting eighteen years for that answer!! 
What are the sexiest components ever made?
Yes, the Altec A7's and other pro models were made with no visual appeal in mind, often not intended to be seen.. Painted in Battleship-grey. That's the Beauty!! 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
Perhaps I detect sour-grapes ๐Ÿ‡ ๐Ÿคข as these are very hard to find?? ย Believing ย that make's me feel as though I made the proper choice. ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ˜‰ 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
Michelle, You are fully correct ๐ŸŽฏ I have only myself to blame, and clearly can see the elephants in the room ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ it is a joy to get each other's take on these matters along the way (and personalities) of which is the equipment. At the end of that l... 
Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments
I'll pick up a guitar or a bass once in a while and enjoy "improvising". It's satisfying to place a right note AND in a right spot. Of course, you just say it's free avant-garde jazz. 
Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments
Frank, You suck on the harmonica!!! ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  But sometimes you also blow. ๐Ÿ˜„ 
Are these fake?
Those Mounds are your Almond Joy? 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
Just a BIT ugly? Those are your babies?Now you'd be insulting my Wife as if her offspring would be homely. But of course, I have no Wife since I'm allowed these speakers. Plus, she'd be insulting ME for choosing such ugly ones! You see Michelle, w...